City of Cape Town Sweet and Sour Service Awards!


City of Cape Town logoThe Sweet Service Award goes to the City of Cape Town, for its prevention of some load-shedding, when it has spare capacity, even though it is not understandable how one can ‘save’ electricity! It has meant that scheduled load-shedding has been prevented altogether, or that it has been downgraded to a lower stage, meaning that it affects other areas. It is confusing however, as the City of Cape Town is not passing its own schedule changes to the EskomsePush app!

City of Cape Town logoThe Sour Service Award goes to the City of Cape Town, for its bizarre response to Tweets we sent four days in a row, to inform that street lights were not working at night on the Camps Bay side of Kloof Road in Clifton, followed by two days of the lights burning during the day on the same stretch of the street!  The City did not respond to the Tweets at all, except on the fourth day, when its response to my comment that it was a waste of electricity was as follows: ‘Hi there, please note that street lights have minor effects on electricity consumption’, a reflection of the increasing arrogance we see from the City of Cape Town and its councillors on social media! As Murphy would have it, we had load shedding again after an absence of  a number of days – it must have been those street lights! I had started this post some weeks ago, but received the same response yesterday when the street lights were on in Fresnaye during the day, to which was added that it is to prevent copper cable theft, despite the beautiful sunshine day! Funny is that the City encourages residents to wash their dishes in cold water,  in order to save electricity!

The WhaleTales Sweet & Sour Service Awards are presented every Friday on the WhaleTales blog.  Nominations for the Sweet and Sour Service Awards can be sent to Chris von Ulmenstein at   Past winners of the Sweet and Sour Service Awards can be read on the Friday posts of this blog.

Chris von Ulmenstein, Whale Cottage Portfolio:  Tel (021) 433-2100, Twitter:@WhaleCottage  Facebook:  click here

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