Tag Archives: shoes

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 139 of Level 1, 16 February 2022


Wednesday 16 February 2022, Day 139 of Level 1 šŸ˜·

Corona Lockdown Gratitude šŸ™

#grateful for a day that became increasingly better, starting with some rain and a rainbow, seen on Camps Bay Whats App Groups; for preparing for my Client Status meetings; for a brisk walk to the Theatre on the Bay to buy tickets; for assistance from Discovery Sea Point, to send through my eye test proof (not charmed when I received a message this afternoon that an error was madešŸ˜±), to find Continue reading →

Corina Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 59 of Level 3, 29 July 2020.;


Wednesday 29 July 2020, Day 59 of Level 3, after 66 days of Levels 5 and 4. šŸ˜·

Corona Gratitude šŸ™

#Grateful for a warmer 18 C day today, lifting my spirits compared to yesterday, and having far more energy as a result; for two Discovery Gameboard plays and gaining over 300 Miles, buying me a voucher and with Miles left over; for a lovely Discovery Health Vitality Check over the phone with Diago, gaining me 2500 points; for being surprised about how much I know about Discovery Vitality, attending their webinar this evening; for a peaceful day; for a walk to Clifton, boosting my heart rate and giving me good Discovery points; for another walk, through Bakoven; for dancing to Kfm; for speaking to my Alex ā¤ļø, wishing we were nearer today; and for being happy and healthy. šŸ™šŸ’™ Continue reading →

Corona Virus Lockdown Level 4: New Government-allowed businesses to reopen, with some ridiculous regulations!


The Government is easing the restrictions of the economy, slowly but surely, and gazetted the opening up of three further industries two days ago, with immediate effect: Car sales, Winter clothing, and small businesses. Some of the Winter Clothing regulations are deemed to be a joke.Ā  Continue reading →