Tag Archives: tinder

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 130 of Level 1, 7 February 2022


Monday 7 February 2022, Day 130 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for surviving the day on 3,5 hours of sleep, wide awake for 2 hours after watching ‘The Tinder Swindler’, memories coming about how I nearly was swindled on Tinder 😱😡; for a day of work, work, work; for Henry finding my sliding door lock key in the most unusual place; for our garage door working perfectly today, Henry now being back at work after his leave and exams; for a chat with Stuart Bailey, needing some advice; Continue reading →

My Book ‘SwitchBitch: My journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet!’ has been launched!

At a private intimate dinner party my first book ‘SwitchBitch: My journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet’ was launched last night, attended by very special friends. It documents my journey of a mainly physical transformation over a twenty month period.  Continue reading →

A salute and toast to 2016: the best year ever!

imageI have rarely written about personal matters on my Blog. I am also long past formulating New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of a year. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that the universe would present me with a year of years in 2016, to top any I have ever experienced!  Continue reading →

Update: Love me Tinder, Love me True: the dangers of digital dating!

imageI have rarely written about my personal life on my Blog in the past eight years, but as a public service warning to women from the age of 50 upwards, and my widowed and divorced Facebook friends in this age group in particular, I want to share my internet dating experiences over the last three months. Continue reading →