Tag Archives: bakers

Chicken or beef: take-off to a first holiday in seven years!

AA flightThe hospitality industry is a tough (self-inflicted) taskmaster, especially when you have a ‘boss’ as tough as I have, 24/7 duty being the norm!

A gathering of the von Ulmenstein family in Ulm, to explore the origin of our family name and title granted by the then Kaiser Karl the Sixth more than 300 years ago, was the impetus for the journey, to which I have added additional Continue reading →

WhaleTales Tourism, Food, and Wine news headlines: 15 April

WhaleTalesTourism, Food, and Wine news headlines

*   The World Bank has warned our country to face its electricity supply problem, saying that the situation is ‘very severe‘, and warned that South Africa should not ‘sugar-coat‘ it.  Minister of Public Enterprises Lynne Brown has estimated the cost of loadshedding at R20 – R80 billion per month!

*   ‘Happy’ Pharrel Williams was spotted partying in Cape Town nightclub Continue reading →