Tag Archives: Mommy Tweets

Cape Town Tourism ‘destinated’ to start afresh in marketing Cape Town!

mariettedth_1369339943_39Last week two senior members of staff left the services of Cape Town Tourism, being its CEO Mariette du Toit-Helmbold, and its PR and Communications Manager Skye Grove.  A new era lies ahead for the tourism body, which can hopefully get on with the focused marketing of Cape Town and its tourism industry again.

Given how badly Cape Town has been marketed as a tourism destination in the past few years, it is a fantastic opportunity for new CEO Enver Duminy to show what he can do to deal with the city’s terrible problem of Seasonality with barely any business in the winter months, which is unique to Cape Town, compared to South Africa’s other major cities.  Every year Mrs Helmbold has paid lip service to the problem, and promised to tackle the problem, but she never did, and business has become progressively worse every winter.

Shocking was the blatant exploitation in the past ten days by Mrs Helmbold to actively market the services of her new destination marketing consultancy whilst still in the employ of Cape Town Tourism.  She announced that she would establish a consultancy in April after her resignation from Cape Town Tourism became public in February.  As if Tweets on her own Twitter account were not enough to market the new consultancy whilst still working for Cape Town Tourism,  Cape Town Continue reading →

Cape Town Tourism Sweet Service and Sunday Times Sour Service Awards!

The Sweet Service Award goes to Cape Town Tourism for appointing Enver Duminy as its new CEO, effective from 1 August.  Duminy is Tourism Services Executive Manager of the tourism body, and was acting-CEO during the maternity leave of current CEO Mariette du Toit-Helmbold last year, and showed himself as a very modest yet effective and communicative non-political leader of the tourism body, unlike his boss! One thing is for sure – there won’t be any ‘Mommy Tweets‘ from Duminy, compared to his boss’ dominant Twitter content.  One hopes that Duminy can address the politics from and selective marketing of Cape Town tourism products and services by his PR and Communications Manager Skye Grove, so that all have an equal opportunity to have the information about their products and services shared with tourists on Social Media. (Image: Cape Town Tourism).

The Sour Service Award goes to the Sunday Times and its publishers Times Media Limited for its new ‘Business Class‘ magazine, linked to the Business Times, which is inserted into the Sunday Times every second Sunday of the month.  Its content is 100% male orientated in terms of its editorial as well as the advertisements, signalling its sexist perception of business ownership being in male hands only!

The WhaleTales Sweet & Sour Service Awards are presented every Friday on the WhaleTales blog.  Nominations for the Sweet and Sour Service Awards can be sent to Chris von Ulmenstein at whalecot@iafrica.com.   Past winners of the Sweet and Sour Service Awards can be read on the Friday posts of this blog, and in the WhaleTales newsletters on the www.whalecottage.com website.