Tag Archives: road trip

Franschoek restaurant changes: an update


On Youth Day my friend Justin Miller and I took a road trip to Franschhoek, packing in a shopping stop at Dalewood Fromage and at Babylonstoren, a stop at Country Grand, and walking the main road of the village from bottom to top and back, to record all the restaurant changes that have taken place since I last visited in 2020.

I did some additional research to find details of any other restaurants that have opened or closed since I last visited the village.

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Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 166 of Level 1, 15 March 2022


Tuesday 15 March 2022, Day 166 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for getting home safely, after 12 hours on the road from Plett to Cape Town; for a last breakfast at The Grand, granola with fruit and yoghurt, and scrambled egg and Avo; for filling up the car and testing tyres and oil at Shell Plett; for the morning drive until Swellendam going smoothly with little traffic, and roadworks only just before the town; for a much better lunch at Grace & Merci in Swellendam today compared to the one at Old Gaol five days ago, closed as we drove past today, I suspecting that ‘In die Sop’ may be doing an image and menu overhaul for the restaurant; for our Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal Day 13 of Level 4, 10 July 2021


Saturday 10 July 2021, Day 13 of Level 4 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a wonderful day after a night of zero noise disturbance 💙; doing some work and then heading out to collect Emma in Pinelands, to start our Southern Suburbs Roadtrip, including tea with Stuart Bailey at The Andros Boutique Hotel, the Black Forest German Butcher, Lime Tree Café, and Collaborate in Fish Hoek, to meet Carina du Randt for tea and the most entertaining reunion, meeting her friend George; for a walk through Kalk Bay, and ending off with a delicious ice cream at Bootlegger in Muizenberg 🍦; for the sun coming out from behind the clouds, giving us a 15C day; Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 167 of Lockdown, 9 September 2020.


Wednesday 9 September 2020, Day 23 of Level 2, Day 167 of Lockdown 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for a Roadtrip with Jenny Stephens, our first escape from Cape Town since Lockdown started, and a mini reunion of our Matric class of 50 years ago, five of us knowing each other since Sub A in Wellington, 62 years ago ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️; for a Breakfast spoil with our hosts Jeanette and John Duckitt; for Elaine Wegelin and Bev Bestbier joining us for tea, catching up on the past year since we last saw each other; for an informative drive and walk through the Waylands Wildflower Reserve outside Darling, boasting wild flowers of many varieties and even a mole snake, John telling us all the botanical names, such beauty growing wild; for a spoil lunch together, going back into our past, with lots of laughter; for meeting Chef and Restaurateur Benitha Nel of Peaberry Café in Malmesbury, returning to Cape Town from there, a fabulous trip on the N7; for being happy to see my cats again, having been very well-behaved; for two Discovery Gameboard plays, winning 325 Miles; for calls with Jenny and Jeanette; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →