Tag Archives: Slangkop

WhaleTales Tourism, Food, and Wine news headlines: 18 March

WhaleTalesTourism, Food, and Wine news headlines

*   The City of Cape Town has cancelled its R234 million contract over a seven year period (entered into in 2011) with Lumen Technologies for the operation of the MyCiTi Bus control centre.
The contractor was responsible for tasks such as scheduling and monitoring the buses by GPS to check on their punctuality relative to the schedules, reports The New Age.  The Cape Times reported today that Lumen Technologies denies that it has underperformed, and plans to sue the City if it does not reinstate the contract.

*   A seminar on Tourism and Air Connectivity in Africa, together with the 56th Meeting of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) Commission for Africa, is scheduled to take place in Luanda with tourism industry representatives in Africa from 28 – 30 April.

*   The Youth Market is growing at 9% compared to the average tourism market growth of 2%.  It is a valuable market segment, these travelers staying in an area for longer.  On Facebook travel posts are in second place after relationship changes in number of posts, highlighting the importance of  travel for young persons.  In Cape Town backpackers are doing exceptionally well, followed by self-catering accommodation, and guest houses, Cape Town Tourism has found.

*   Wines of South Africa (WOSA) is celebrating the 20th anniversary of our country’s democracy this year with an animated video, which refers to the Rainbow Nation to Continue reading →