Tag Archives: Social distancing

President Ramaphosa announces new regulation relaxation, Disaster Management Act to fall away after 16 April!


In his first speech to the nation in almost six months, his first Corona speech being two years ago, President Ramaphosa announced the lifting of the National State of Disaster Act once the public has commented on new Health regulations by 16 April.

The President enumerated the positive and negative effects of the Corona Virus over the two years.

He described our country as being at a watershed moment after four waves, due to 60 – 80 % of our country’s population having an illness immunity and/or being vaccinated. He said that the country’s economy has almost returned to normal. Continue reading →

SA Lockdown extended until 15 April, new regulations introduced!


Despite our President Ramaphosa promising that the Disaster Management Act would not be extended beyond 15 March 2022, two years after it was first promulgated, the Government has announced the extension of the Act until 15 April.

Sadly for our country’s residents hoping for a dropping of the masks, no such regulation change was made! Continue reading →

What should one do and not do once vaccinated!


Vaccinations are on everyone’s lips and on some of our arms, I having had my first Pfizer vaccination at the Somerset Hospital last week.

Having only followed the vaccination at arm’s length, pardon the pun, I am far more aware about the vaccination status in our country, more than 2,3 million residents having been vaccinated to date. Continue reading →

CNN puts in a good word for South Africa in the Corona Virus pandemic!


A video of a CNN news broadcast did the rounds in our country last week, a small ray of light in a negative association with ‘South Africa’.

The South African Corona Virus mutation has created very poor PR for our country, as it is one of the mutations that spreads faster, and has created a travel ban from our country to a host of other countries around the world. Continue reading →