Tag Archives: The Sommeliers Selection

The Sommeliers Selection 2018 simplifies wine selection by quality and value for money!

Last Monday I attended The Sommeliers Selection 2018 tasting of the top-scoring wines at Tokara Delicatessen, driving through from Cape Town on a rainy day. My two favorites I tasted were Arra Shiraz 2015, as well as Trizanne Reserve Syrah 2017.  The top wines in the tasting were selected by top Sommelier members of the South African SOmmeliers Association, and the Black Cellar Club.  Continue reading →

The Sommeliers Selection new collection of wines receiving SA sommelier stamp of approval!

The Sommelier SelectionDnA Event Management has announced that it is calling for entries for the inaugural The Sommelier Selection, which will become a list of wines which will receive the stamp of approval of sommelier judges who serve on the committee of the South African Sommelier Association, the first local wine competition judged by a panel of sommeliers, and aimed at assisting the ‘everyday wine drinker’ in selecting good and affordable wines.

Not only wines in categories of House Wine under R110 a bottle (White, Red, Rosé, ‘Bubbles‘, ‘Sweets‘); Whites (Fresh/Crunchy, Elegant/Classy, Full/Rich, Luscious/Aromatic); Reds (Fresh/Juicy, Elegant/Classy, Voluptuous/Rich); Pinks (Rosés, Blanc de Noirs); ‘Fizzys/Bubbles‘ (MCC Non Vintage, MCC Vintage, MCC Rosé, MCC Continue reading →