Tag Archives: Tourism Radio

WhaleTales Tourism, Food, and Wine industry: 2 December

WhaleTalesTourism, Food, and Wine news headlines

*   Eskom says that loadshedding may be over for this year, and will be doing further maintenance of power stations over the festive season.  Eskom spokesperson Andrew Etzinger said: ‘Heading into the festive period, we will be doing a lot of maintenance, although the demand for electricity will be lighter as well. All in all, I think on balance we’ll do our best to avoid load shedding but we can’t rule it out unfortunately’.   The public’s use of electricity will determine whether there will be loadshedding this month, he added.

*    The Guala Closures Group is offering a range of liners for its screwcap wine bottle closures.   Its Oenoseal was developed over the past two years, offering various levels of oxygenation, or lack of, depending on the type of wine bottled.  Wine producers can select the best liner for their screwcaps without changing the settings on the bottling lines.

*   Eleven new hotel projects are in the pipeline in Cape Town for the next four years, with  total of just over 2000 rooms Continue reading →

WhaleTales Tourism, Food, and Wine news headlines: 13 November

WhaleTalesTourism, Food, and Wine news headlines

*   SAA says it will not be making a profit before it takes delivery of more eco-friendly aircraft in three to four years time.

*   A new app has been launched to guide tourists around the Cape Peninsula, and Cape Point specifically.  Developed by Tourism Radio, the Cape Point Route app contains information about 80 tourism facilities on the route, including restaurants, accommodation, and cultural and historic attractions. (received via e-mail from Cape Point Route)

*   World leading chefs Rene Redzepi, David Chang and Alex Atala will appear on the front cover of Time next week, in a story with the headline: ‘Gods of Food: Meet the People who Influence what (and how) you eat’.  Chefs Dan Barber and Albert Adria also feature in the article, as well as ‘farmers, activists, bureaucrats and businessmen’.

*   The Cape Times reports that the City of Cape Town Liquor By Law allowance to offer ‘champagne’ breakfasts in hotels and restaurants before 11h00 is ‘culturally discriminatory’, in not allowing ‘traditional’ drinks to be Continue reading →