Two weeks ago Tiger’s Milk Kitchen & Bar opened on Long Street, previously a Lucky Fish, belonging to the Harbour House Group. The decor is fun and funky, with many similarities to its ‘brother’ restaurant in Muizenberg, which offers ‘dude food’ to surfers.
The decor was designed by the internal Harbour House Group design team, the La Parada bull’s head at the counter, the magazine page ‘wallpaper’, the crystal whisky decanters as a light feature, and the wooden tables and chairs all being similar to the decor design in Muizenberg.
Unique is the beer dispensing taps, standing on the bar counter, and looking like a steam punk engine! Each brand is identified, including a Tiger’s Milk craft beer. Other brands stocked are CBC, Jack Black, and Part Wolf. James Dean is a ‘pin up’, wearing a Tiger’s Milk T-shirt in the Continue reading →