The Sweet Service Award goes to the Goodman Gallery and its Lara Wesson, who reacted with impressive responsiveness to a request for the names of the artists whose works are on show at the new blanko restaurant at The Alphen hotel in Constantia. A follow-up request was handled equally quickly, even on a Saturday morning!
The Sour Service Award goes to Kfm, my über favorite radio station for its fabulous music. However, the radio station has introduced a What’s App number, and encouraged its listeners to leave voice notes which are broadcast ad nauseum, especially by those presenters that appear to have little to say themselves. Last Saturday the Saturday morning the Coca Cola Top 40 SA was presented by former Kfm presenter Stacey Norman from Johannesburg, standing in for Kfm‘s Rob Vember, a pain to listen to with her croaky voice, and love of her own voice, instead of just playing the hits!