Category Archives: Italy

Ciao Apricale, until I return next year ❤️❤️❤️!

 I am about to leave my second home, Apricus Locanda in the village of Apricale in Italy, close to the French border. I have spent the last thirteen days here, writing SwitchBitch Book 2 here, and recovering from walking the Camino in Northern Spain for three weeks. 

Despite having had the most unbelievable obstacles put in my way by airlines Emirates and Iberia to finally get to Apricale, via train to Ventimiglia, last year and this year, respectively, there is no friendlier and more perfect location for me to have written my first two SwitchBitch books.  Continue reading →

First media interview about ‘SwitchBitch: My Journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet’!

Whilst writing The Book in Apricale, in Italy, in August, I treated myself to a cappuccino or a gelato at the Apricus Osteria & Bar in the village almost daily. On one of those days I asked a lady sitting at another table if she would mind taking a photograph of me, my selfie skills not being the best. Anna Fill did a great job of it, and gave me her card. I thanked her, and so began a chat about why I was in Apricale in the first place. Anna and I met for coffee, on a Monday when most restaurants were closed, so she drove us to the nearby Bajardo, where we chatted and I got to know more about Anna, and her ‘The Riviera Woman’ digital magazine. Recently she wrote to me, when she had seen on Facebook that I had completed my Book ‘SwitchBitch: My journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet’, and asked me a number of questions, for an article for her magazine. Continue reading →