Tag Archives: Indaba

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 162 of Level 1, 11 March 2022.


Friday 11 March 2022, Day 162 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a full busy day at Botlierskop, with a very early start at 6h00, surviving on 3 hours of sleep, going on a 4 hour game drive on the 5000 ha private game reserve, seeing springboks, impala, bontebok, waterbok, zebras, rhinos, eland, ostriches ….. but the lions were hiding; for a refreshment stop with hot chocolate and Amarula and rusks 💙; for surviving the game drive, feeling nauseous and fearful, it feeling like turbulence, driving in a 4 wheel drive vehicle on rough terrain, our driver Continue reading →

In search of the Holy Food Grail in KwaZulu-Natal!

imageI spent eight days in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) last week, in search of the perfect food experience, in a province I had last visited about ten years ago to attend Indaba, and the well-known Midlands area, which I had last visited more than 25 years ago.

The encouragement  to visit the province was made more than a year ago by Chef Jackie Cameron, who is the most passionate proudly-KZNer I encountered on my journey, making it her business to support KZN produce, from the Midlands in particular, in using and in marketing it at every opportunity. Jackie has put KZN on the food and restaurant map over the past twelve years that she worked at Hartford House, making the Eat Out Top 10 Continue reading →