Tag Archives: lawyer

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 79 of Level 1, 18 May 2021.


Tuesday 18 May 2021, Day 79 of Level 1 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for a lovely day, sunny and warm at 21C, and for feeling far more relaxed and less anxious; for a fabulous 6,5 hour continuous sleep; for being ahead of my schedule in getting my work done this morning, so much so that Stuart Bailey came to pop in, so that I could bounce the Maintenance quotation off him; for giving Sandak-Lewin stick about their inefficiency and unprofessionalism; for a meeting postponed to tomorrow giving me an hour tea time at Peppertree Café, catching up on calls and messages; for a productive meeting with my lawyer about the Maintenance quote, feeling much less stressed now; for a Camps Bay walk to Woolies at lunchtime, and a sunset one to Bakoven, with the most wonderful sunset colours; for welcoming Nicola Jowell to Camps Bay Continue reading →