Whilst writing The Book in Apricale, in Italy, in August, I treated myself to a cappuccino or a gelato at the Apricus Osteria & Bar in the village almost daily. On one of those days I asked a lady sitting at another table if she would mind taking a photograph of me, my selfie skills not being the best. Anna Fill did a great job of it, and gave me her card. I thanked her, and so began a chat about why I was in Apricale in the first place. Anna and I met for coffee, on a Monday when most restaurants were closed, so she drove us to the nearby Bajardo, where we chatted and I got to know more about Anna, and her ‘The Riviera Woman’ digital magazine. Recently she wrote to me, when she had seen on Facebook that I had completed my Book ‘SwitchBitch: My journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet’, and asked me a number of questions, for an article for her magazine. Continue reading →
Tag Archives: Linnhe elder
My Book ‘SwitchBitch: My journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet!’ has been launched!
At a private intimate dinner party my first book ‘SwitchBitch: My journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet’ was launched last night, attended by very special friends. It documents my journey of a mainly physical transformation over a twenty month period. Continue reading →