Tag Archives: sunshine

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 20 of Level 3, 15 August 2021.


Sunday 15 August 2021, Day 20 of Level 3. 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a me-catchup day, writing two blogposts for the week ahead, tidying up my desk and planning the work week ahead; for the most stunning summer day at 21C, and tomorrow will be even better; with beautiful wisps of clouds this afternoon; for an afternoon walk to Camps Bay’s Woolies and Pick n Pay, happy to see a former manager back at the latter and told that all the previous new managers have left the store again; for an invitation to the lovely home of Shubha Shuckla, let as Aquatic Villa, with a beautiful view over Camps Bay, the ocean, and the spectacular sunset tonight, spoilt with bubbly, cheese, bread, crackers and dips, and a chocolate and fruit ending; for the loud music of last night and tonight finishing off at 23h00 🙏; for Pick n Pay ASAP! App delivering the cat food this morning; and for being happy, healthy, and free. 🙏💙

SA Corona Status: 2 605 586 cases 77141 deaths 9 387 129 vaccinations

FitBit 8000 steps 6 km 👣


The Corona Virus Lockdown (Level 5), announced by our President Cyril Ramaphosa earlier to commence on 27 March 2020 and to continue until 16 April, subsequently extended to 30 April, lowered to Level 4 from 1 May, lowered to Level 3 from 1 June, lowered to Level 2 from 18 August, lowered to Level 1 from 21 September, and moved back to Adjusted Level 3 from 29 December,  extended to 15 February on 11 January 2021, extended but relaxed on 1 February, and relaxed back to Level 1 on 1 March 2021, moved back to Adjusted Level 2 on 31 May, moved back to level 3 on 16 June, and moved back to Adjusted Level 4 on 28 June, extended by two weeks on 11 July, and returned to Level 3 on 26 July, is an unprecedented event in my lifetime. I am posting my daily Facebook post to journal this Corona Lockdown Journey, perhaps to serve as material for a future Book.

Chris von Ulmenstein, WhaleTales Blog: www.whaletalesblog.com www.chrisvonulmenstein.com/blog Tel +27 082 55 11 323 Twitter:@Ulmenstein Facebook: Chris von Ulmenstein, My Cape Town Guide/Mein Kapstadt Guide Instagram: @Chrissy_Ulmenstein @MyCapeTownGuide



Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 27 of Level 4, 24 July 2021


Saturday 24 July 2021, Day 27 of Level 4😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for sleeping for 6,5 hours without interruption, my best sleep this week; for having such fabulous clients, one extra-special one paying my fee today after sending my invoices yesterday, for my payment request at month end 💙💙💙; for a super exciting morning; for getting some writing work done, in anticipation of a busy week lying ahead when two of my clients’ restaurants reopen; for a lovely Vit D shot on my terrace; for the most beautiful day, starting and ending at 7C but peaking Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 14 of Level 4, 11 July 2021


Sunday 11 July 2021, day 14 of Level 4 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a beautiful sunny day, at 16C, ahead of a severe weather system arriving tomorrow 😱; for a good night’s sleep; for getting some work done; for pre-writing my Blogpost about President Cyril’s Speech 🤓; for a walk through Camps Bay and grateful to the City of Cape Town staff for having mowed all our Camps Bay lawns along the ocean yesterday; for another walk this afternoon, picking up something at Pick n Pay; for an entertaining chat with journalist Lin Sampson at the Tidal Pool, who has swum in it for 40 years, we sharing some life experiences; and for being happy, healthy, and free. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 9 of Level 4, 6 July 2021


Tuesday 6 July 2021, Day 9 of Level 4 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for another beautiful sunny day, the spirits much better today, especially after a call from Stuart Bailey; for a hardworking day, cross-eyed from all the writing; for a contractor coming to quote on an extension of the handrail on my side of the building, having begged Sandak-Lewin for over a year to get it done 😱; for a lunchtime walk to Bakoven, managing to catch a fabulous wave; for a wonderful late afternoon walk, bumping into Sherryl living nearby, sharing experiences of apartment party noise; for a beautiful sunset this evening; and for being happy, healthy, and free. 🙏💙 Continue reading →