Tag Archives: Truth

Book Review: ‘Sex, Lies & Stellenbosch’ tells a saucy saga of transformation; fact or fiction?!

I was sent a copy of Eva Mazza’s ‘Sex, Lies & Stellenbosch’ by Jacana Press, to review, my first Book Review. Whilst I waded through the sex, and sex, and sex, I wondered how I would write this review, this being a family-friendly Blog. But it was right at the end that the message of the book was clear: no matter how terrible the life experiences one goes through, there is always growth and an opportunity to transform, and lead a better life, echoing my two ‘SwitchBitch’ books which I published last year.  Continue reading →

Eat Out Best Everyday Eateries 2015 Awards: shock and horror, a joke!

Eatout-best-everyday-eateriesThe Western Cape winners of the 2015 Best Everyday Eateries were announced last night, and many are horrified by most of the ten eateries on the Western Cape list, there being no consistency with previous Best Of restaurant awards!

Eat Out seems to like making changes to its Awards on a regular basis, this year the Best Of awards getting a new umbrella name of Best Continue reading →