Cape Town in the spotlight for 36 hours in New York Times!


OrphanageNew York Times writer Sarah Khan is a good friend of Cape Town, and we can be lucky that she lives in our beautiful city now, acting as its unofficial publicity agent! Her latest article 36 Hours in Cape Town’ heaps further praise on our city, and is accompanied by a video of the highlight destinations in her article.

Cape Town is described ‘as one of the world’s most beautiful cities’, and as a ‘singularly inviting place’, which wows ‘visitors with its colorful art and architecture’, history, excellent wines, and ‘one of the best culinary landscapes anywhere‘.

Khan recommends cramming in the following within a 36 hour period in our city (unfortunately the names of the city’s advocates in the video are not provided):

  • Lunch at Hemelhuijs, using a description Manna From Heaven’ from our Blog when we wrote the review five years ago
  • Robben Island, our city’s  ‘Alcatraz’ and ‘grim penal colony
  • Dinner at Bocca on Bree Street, described as ‘one of the trendiest debutantes’ on the street, she enthuses!
  • Post-dinner drinks on Bree Street at Orphanage, Door 221, and Mother’s Ruin are recommended.
  • Do a park run at ‘Greenpoint (sic) Stadium‘, a 5 km walk or run through the city, around the Cape Town Stadium, and through the Green Point Urban Park.
  • Visit the Neighbourgoods Market at the Old Biscuit Mill, and the Oranjezicht City Farm Market on a Saturday morning
  • Visit the District Six Museum, and learn about the history of apartheid
  • Drink coffee at the nearby Haas on Buitenkant Street
  • Eat a Gatsby at Miriam’s Kitchen on St George’s Mall, which Khan describes as our ‘city’s signature‘ dish, news to us Capetonians!
  • Eat a koesister from Rose Corner Café and visit the Bo-Kaap Museum in Wale Street.
  • Go up Table Mountain
  • Dine at Pigalle (but she warns about the 1980’s décor and the noisy band) or at La Colombe La Colombeto enjoy Chef Scot Kirton’s ‘French inflections on local ingredients’ (photograph)
  • Breakfast at the Company’s Garden
  • Buy souvenirs at The Watershed in the V&A Waterfront or at Greenmarket Square.

While Khan’s timeline is closer to 48 hours, I can understand that she stretches out half a day to fit the format of a series of New York Times articles on spending 36 hours in major cities, including Buenos Aires, Bologna, Paris, Tokyo, Portland, Boston, Rio de Janeiro, Istanbul, and more.

It is a relief to not see yet another article including The Test Kitchen or Chefs Warehouse & Canteen, giving La Colombe a well-deserved plug! Groot Constantia is included in the video, but not mentioned in the article. Commenters to the article complain that Kirstenbosch, the penguins at Boulders Beach, Cape Point, and the Aquarium are not included in the article, but the time constraint may have been to blame. Our City’s beautiful beaches, including Clifton and Camps Bay, are not mentioned, but a glimpse is shown of Clifton in the video.

All publicity for our city, especially given the negative publicity created by the stringent Visa Regulations (soon to be revised in its application), is gratefully received, and we thank Sarah Khan for yet another fabulous article about Cape Town in the influential New York Times!

Chris von Ulmenstein, WhaleTales Blog:  Tel 082 55 11 323 Twitter:@WhaleCottage  Facebook:  click here


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