Tourism, Food, and Wine news headlines
* Cape Town Film Studios is likely to expand to meet demand for its facilities for the increasing use of Cape Town as a location for movies and TV commercials. It is working at full capacity, and has had to reject 32 productions in the past year due to capacity restraints. Two new studios are planned to be ready by next year, and to double its capacity by 2017. Not only the location beauty, but also the wardrobe and set building services offered in Cape Town are highly regarded. The Western Cape film industry was worth R 5 billion, and more than 7000 film permits were requested in the past year.
* Tough new packaging and marketing guidelines protecting children under 18 years are being considered by the Department of Health for marketing ‘unhealthy foodstuffs to children‘, including those which are high in sugar, fat, and salt, and ‘nutrient poor food and/or non-alcoholic beverage‘. Advertising, promotions, and TV sponsorships for unhealthy foodstuffs aimed at children will be prohibited, as will be the use of cartoon characters, celebrities, puppets, and computer animation in their marketing of foodstuffs to children.
* The 40th Nederburg Auction yesterday generated R7 million is sales. The Nederburg Auction website has not yet been updated to reflect this result. (seen via Twitter)
* Department of Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba announced on Friday (less than 3 weeks prior to implementation) that a task team is to be appointed to investigate the new Immigration Regulations, admitting their severe impact on Tourism. The Minister made it clear that the regulations themselves would not be evaluated, but the team would evaluate how better to implement them!
* The Cape Town Fringe Festival, organised by the City of Cape Town and the National Arts Festival, will run from 25 September to 5 October. The City Hall is the central hub of the Festival. but performances will also be held in Langa, more than 90 events having been confirmed to date.
* The Oceana Hout Bay Seafood Festival will be held in the Hout Bay Harbour from 24 – 28 September. A number of chefs from Hout Bay restaurants will be doing cooking demonstrations, including La Colombe, Cheyne’s, Ragafellows, Massimo’s, Pure at The Hout Bay Manor, Kitima, Spiro’s, La Cuccina, Pakalolo, and Pescarne. Entrance R20.
Chris von Ulmenstein, Whale Cottage Portfolio: Tel (021) 433-2100 Twitter:@WhaleCottage Facebook: click here