Tag Archives: 2021 Top 10 Woman Chef

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 45 of Level 3, 9 September 2021.


Thursday 9 September 2021, Day 45 of Level 3. 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a loooong busy day; for an amazing summer day, at 29C, a taste of summer; for preparing for two client meetings this morning; for a Bakoven walk; for collecting my rolls at Dinkel Bakery; for dropping off the bottle of Adhara Extra Virgin olive oil (Venishree Mayer) to Chef Christina of Tjing Tjing, one of the 2021 Top 10 Woman Chefs; for my weekly dose of Appeltaart and cream at Labotessa Café; for my weekly fresh vegetable shopping at Fideli’s Deli; for an interesting Status meeting at Utopia and Anatoli; for a good walk with a sunset at the Mouille Point Promenade; Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 44 of Level 3, 8 September 2021.:


Wednesday 8 September 2021, Day 44 of Level 3 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a beautiful day at 19C, tomorrow promising to be a first summer day at 24C; for two Discovery Gameboard plays, receiving a Woolworths voucher; for a working morning, grateful for a meeting being postponed to next week; for a walk to Bakoven, with a Vit D dose; for three meetings at Zest, back to back, one being learning how to add pics and copy to our website; for seeing Florence Poretti and her Continue reading →

Meet Chef Christina Semczyszyn of Tjing Tjing: 2021 Top 10 Woman Chef!


Chef Christina Semczyszyn is the Head Chef at Tjing Tjing, previously Dear Me, in the City centre. She put Tjing Tjing Momiji on Eat Out’s Top Restaurant list at 19th rank in 2019,  and was named a Rising Star by Eat Out in the same year. She wins a bottle of Adhara Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil for being named a 2021 Top 10 Woman Chef.

She has been instrumental in transforming Dear Me into a three storey Japanese restaurant: Tjing Tjing Torii, Tjing Tjing Momiji, and Tjing Tjing Rooftop Bar.

Sadly Chef Chridtina is leaving Tjing Tjing st the end of this month, emigrating to Canada. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 42 of Level 3, 6 September 2021.


Monday 6 September 2021, Day 47 of Level 3, Rosh Hashanah

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a busy working day, from 6h00 onwards, social media posting this morning and finishing a client newsletter this afternoon; for it being rainy every two hours, twice when I needed a walking break, so I had to wait until late afternoon to walk to Pick n Pay, chatting to the nice new Store Manager Domenico, a freezing walk at about 14C, rain not having been forecast for today ; and for being happy, healthy, free and cold 😱 🙏💙

My Blogpost today was a profile of Orangerie Chef Nicolene Barrow of Le Lude in Franschhoek, a 2021 Top 10 Woman Chef.

Meet Chef Nicolene Barrow of Orangerie at Le Lude: 2021 Top 10 Woman Chef!

SA Corona Status: 2 824 063 cases 83617 deaths 13 673 651 vaccinations 

FitBit 7500 steps 5 km 👣



The Corona Virus Lockdown (Level 5), announced by our President Cyril Ramaphosa earlier to commence on 27 March 2020 and to continue until 16 April, subsequently extended to 30 April, lowered to Level 4 from 1 May, lowered to Level 3 from 1 June, lowered to Level 2 from 18 August, lowered to Level 1 from 21 September, and moved back to Adjusted Level 3 from 29 December,  extended to 15 February on 11 January 2021, extended but relaxed on 1 February, and relaxed back to Level 1 on 1 March 2021, moved back to Adjusted Level 2 on 31 May, moved back to level 3 on 16 June, and moved back to Adjusted Level 4 on 28 June, extended by two weeks on 11 July, and returned to Level 3 on 26 July, is an unprecedented event in my lifetime. I am posting my daily Facebook post to journal this Corona Lockdown Journey, perhaps to serve as material for a future Book.

Chris von Ulmenstein, WhaleTales Blog: www.whaletalesblog.com www.chrisvonulmenstein.com/blog Tel +27 082 55 11 323 Twitter:@Ulmenstein Facebook: Chris von Ulmenstein, My Cape Town Guide/Mein Kapstadt Guide Instagram: @Chrissy_Ulmenstein @MyCapeTownGuide