Tag Archives: Bordeaux

Neil Ellis and Rianie Strydom Cabernet Sauvignons co-winners in Prescient Cabernet Sauvignon Report 2017!

Yesterday the 2017 Winemag.co.za Prescient Cabernet Sauvignon Report awards were presented at the colorful The Stack, a well attended function, and offering good lighting for photography. Winemag goes to great lengths to find interesting venues to host its awards. It is the sixth Cabernet Sauvignon Report presented by Winemag.
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Tokara named 2016 Best Wine Tourism Restaurant in SA, reflects trend to local cuisine!

imageAt the conclusion of The Business of Wine & Food Tourism Conference held at Spier over the past two days, the seven South African winners of the 2016 Great Wine Capitals Best of Wine Tourism Awards were announced.  Continue reading →

JAN Restaurant in Nice first SA-owned Michelin star restaurant, creates SA culinary history!

JANMichelinawardLast June, whilst on holiday in Europe, I made the spontaneous decision to fly from Munich via Dusseldorf to Nice, for a lunch.  The lunch at JAN Restaurant was the highlight of my eating career to date. Today JAN Restaurant, Continue reading →