Category Archives: conferences

Cape Town in the running for five Leading Africa Tourism Awards at World Travel Awards!


Cape Town Tourism, the official destination marketing and management agency for Cape Town, has announced that Cape Town is in the running for five Leading Africa Tourism Awards organised by the World Travel Awards, and is seeking the support of Capetonians to vote for Cape Town in the following five categories: Leading Beach Destination, Leading Business Travel Destination, Leading City Destination, Leading Festival & Event Destination, and Leading Meetings and Conference Destination. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 26 of Level 3, 26 June 2020.


Friday 26 June 2020, Day 26 of Level 3, after 66 days of Levels 4 and 5. 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for a most fabulous day, everything just falling into place; for being so happy with my 🐱 family; for the rain and clouds clearing after rain overnight; for a busy work morning; for the most stunning rainbow 🌈 I saw on my way home, when it started raining, but the end result pic of it was so amazing that it did not matter at all that I got wet; for a good walk to Clifton Fourth Beach; for tea with Debbie, the owner of Sorbet Camps Bay, who showed me the new protocols in her shop; for having the most amazing luck with my photographs, the sunset ones earlier this week, and the Rainbow one today, posting them in Facebook Groups which are just about pretty pictures, not having known about them before, having massively high member numbers (in the 30000s) so it is not hard to get over 1000 likes for a photograph (In my next life I’m coming back as a photographer 😱); for boldly and professionally writing to Sandak-Lewin, our apartment block managing agents, documenting all the issues we have with our Portfolio Manager, a huge relief when I got this off my chest; for dancing 💃 to Kfm out of happiness this afternoon; for a lovely honest chat with Stuart Bailey; and for being very happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Government gazettes updated Level 3 regulations for Restaurants, Theatres, Cinemas, and more, only certainty for Restaurants is that ‘on-site consumption is prohibited’! Still no opening date or specific regulations announced!


Just before midnight last night the Government released the updated Level 3 regulations for the businesses which are allowed to reopen, including Restaurants for Sit-Down Service, Personal Care businesses, theaters, cinemas, and casinos.  Whilst the dreadful news that ‘on-site consumption of alcohol is prohibited’, seemingly not only in restaurants, is confirmed through the new regulations, Restaurateurs remain in the dark as to when Restaurants are allowed to reopen, and which regulations are to be followed. While theaters and cinemas have an attendance limit announced in the updated Level 3 regulations, they too do not have reopening dates. Should 1 July be the reopening date, Restaurants will have less than five days to get themselves organised and prepared for reopening!
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Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 17 of Level 3, 17 June 2020.


Wednesday 17 June 2020, Day 17 of Level 3, after 66 days of Levels 5 and 4. 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for another beautiful day, in the mid-20C, sunny, warm, and a joy to be outside; for a walk in Camps Bay, popping in at Absolute Pets to say hello to Bubeka and sharing the Minsky cat escapades 🐱 with her, and buying a replacement alarm battery from Camps Bay Hardware, Jared always offering extra special service and resident prices; for a long Vit D dose on the terrace; for bumping into Linda Ransome and #eyecandy on my walk; for a second walk to Bakoven later this afternoon; for the nice photos which Danish Marlena sent me today, edited versions of those she took yesterday; for a Gameboard play on Discovery Vitality today; for darling Minsky coming back inside when I let her out this afternoon without giving me another heart attack as she did last night 🐱; and for feeling happy and healthy. 🙏💙

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