Tag Archives: Codfather

Camps Bay Restaurants operating over the Festive Season, many are open right through!


With beaches now allowed to be open until 19h00,  Camps Bay Restaurants are likely to be busy for the next two weeks.

Not all restaurants will be open on Christmas Day or on 1 January, so I have compiled a list of the Camps Bay restaurants, with their trading days.

We wish you and your family safe travelling and beach enjoyment.



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Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 18 of Level 3, 18 June 2020.


Thursday 18 June 2020, Day 18 of Level 3, after 66 days at Levels 4 and 5. 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for another magnificent day…. can we be so lucky to have a week of summer in the middle of winter ?❤️; for walking twice today, at lunchtime up to Clifton Fourth Beach, bumping into Thomas and Haakon again, and a Camps Bay beachfront round at sunset time with Lisa Hayden who lives in Bakoven, with the most stupendous sunset; for having a writing-free morning after writing about President Ramaphosa’s speech last night and posting it then; for Henry getting my apartment alarm fixed after putting in the new battery and reprogramming it; for getting appointments at Sorbet and for my hair as soon as the opening date is announced (1 July probably); for loving how my vegetable garden is flourishing, with the compost we have been adding, tomatoes just growing wild, and the bought beetroot and coriander plants loving all the sun as well as rain; for receiving an invitation to participate in an online cooking show with one of our country’s top chefs…. 😱; for a long Vit D fix on the terrace; for Minsky now knowing her surroundings, and returning back inside without I having to panic; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Camps Bay restaurant collection grows to 29, exciting new restaurant openings ahead!

I had not been to Camps Bay, other than to drive through it on my way to and back from dancing at Constantia Nek on Sunday evenings, in many months. As the weather forecast for yesterday showed that it would be the warmest day for Spring/Summer to date, I drove to Camps Bay on a 30C day, to update my restaurant information for the suburb. Continue reading →

WhaleTales Tourism, Food, and Wine news headlines: 18 March

WhaleTalesTourism, Food, and Wine news headlines

*   Exhibition space for Cape Wine 2015 is practically sold out, says Wines of South Africa (WOSA) CEO Siobhan Thompson.  The largest wine expo in the southern hemisphere, it will be held from 15 – 17 September.   A conference will run alongside the Expo, and speakers include Leeu Collection owner Analjit Singh, WOSA Chairman Michael Jordaan of Bartinney, and Western Cape Minister of Economic Opportunities Alan Winde. (received via media release from De Kock Communications)

*   The Table Bay Hotel offers its guests special foraging tours in Cape Town, seeking wild sorrel, num nums, nasturtiums, and sweet peas on Table Mountain, as well as seaweed from the sea in Mouille Point, and dune spinach near the Radisson Blu hotel, ingredients which are transformed into a meal for the foraging guests at Camissa Brasserie.  A foraging tour, cooking with the chef and a three-course meal with wine cots R5800 for four and R7000 Continue reading →