Tag Archives: earl grey

Gratitude for a fabulous 2022 !


Grateful for a fabulous year 2022 ❤️:

*. Getting my cataracts removed and hence able to pass my driver’s license renewal

*. Getting my passport renewed, after a very long wait, having the freedom to travel this year

*. For buying a house, my passport to freedom from sharing a property with AirBnB renters, despite the noise disturbances having reduced vastly in the past few months and the first Trustee having sold her apartment…. two more to go… And for asserting Continue reading →

Corona Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 185 of Level 1, 3 April 2022


Sunday 3 April 2022, Day 185 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a lovely sunny day and NO wind 🙏, the wind having blown over two metal plant pots with my bougainvilleas overnight, not happened in 4 years of living here; for a relaxed day; for the company of Earl Grey when I’m at home, having taken over the spare room as his bedroom; for replying to my clients’ diner reviews; for seeing Viv again, fetching her and taking her to Labotessa for an afternoon treat, enjoying their all-day breakfast; for each of us shopping at Fideli’s across the Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 95 of Level 1, 3 January 2022


Monday 3 January 2022, Day 95 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a full writing and posting day for my clients; for a Bakoven walk; for having Earl Grey coming into our home a year ago, such a treasure 😻; for a warm day but chilly evening; for my Utopia and Zest clients being fully booked tonight; for a walk to the Tidal Pool, looking much quieter and cleaner there than yesterday but not clean enough 😱; and for being happy, healthy and free. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Restaurant Review: Firefly Café in Camps Bay is no longer flying, shocking service!


When Firefly Café opened in Camps Bay just over a year ago, I was apprehensive about the future of the coffee shop, its service levels being variable, it taking me more than three months to write a review, feeling more confident about its future.

When co-owner Herman Bezuidenhout, who was often in the Café and with whom I enjoyed chatting, left Firefly Café and sold his shares to his business partner Luzaane Spoelstra, my confidence dropped to rock bottom and I did not return for at least four months, until a week ago! What a bad mistake it was! Continue reading →