Discovery CEO Adrian Gore has sent an email letter to his clients, updating them on his company’s preparation for the speedy vaccination of its members. The good news is that his members have no need to take any action now, on a ….. don’t call us, we’ll call you ….. basis, so refreshing! Discovery members are to be notified when to register for the vaccinations.
Gore writes in an informal style, addressing me by my first name and signing off in his. No Mr/Ms/Mrs corporate nonsense!
Vaccinations for the 37 million adults in our country are to be available soon, although a date is not known. Discovery is developing its own ‘Mass Vaccination Programme’, aiming to vaccinate the 3 million Discovery Health Scheme members at the rate of 50000 persons per day. Discovery is working with other bodies to get its members vaccinated ahead of the current Government planned time estimate of October 2021 – February 2022, and could be as early as the end of April 2021. Vaccines are to be sourced from Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer-BioNTech.
Read more about Discovery’s planned Mass Vaccination Programme below:
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