Tag Archives: Hamburg

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 147 of Level 1, 24 February 2022


Thursday 24 February 2022, Day 147 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a well-organized busy day; for four hours of writing and working this morning, preparing for two Status meetings; for Status meetings at Utopia, a shorter meeting than usual; for a beautiful hot day at 27C, with the South Easter picking up this afternoon, a very dramatic table cloth of cloud on Table Mountain; Continue reading →

Dubai City Tour lifts the spirit after shocking Emirates service!

I had the misfortune to experience Dubai under less than perfect conditions, and with it Emirates airline, which once was the best airline in the world (now dropped to number four, as rated by Skytrax)! A City Tour by Sun Tours helped to restore my appreciation for what Dubai has to offer! Continue reading →