Tag Archives: Lentswe Bhengu

Superwoman Chef Jenny Morris launches ‘World Atlas of Food’ and own wine range!

imageHow does Chef Jenny Morris do it? In one week she has launched her new series of Jenny and Reza’s Fabulous Food Academy on Food Network, launched her new ‘World Atlas of Food: 100 countries,  a world of flavours’, and has launched her new Jenny Morris Giggling Gourmet range of wines made Continue reading →

Eat Out Best Everyday Eateries 2015 Awards: shock and horror, a joke!

Eatout-best-everyday-eateriesThe Western Cape winners of the 2015 Best Everyday Eateries were announced last night, and many are horrified by most of the ten eateries on the Western Cape list, there being no consistency with previous Best Of restaurant awards!

Eat Out seems to like making changes to its Awards on a regular basis, this year the Best Of awards getting a new umbrella name of Best Continue reading →