Tag Archives: pasta

Sweet Service Award goes to Camps Bay Hardware; Sour Service Award goes to 95 at Parks!


The Sweet Service Award goes to Camps Bay Hardware, and its owner Jared Stein, a real Community-oriented business, in which customers are recognised and greeted by name, and are offered discounts. Should Jared not stock an item, he offers to obtain it from elsewhere, and has even dropped off some of my orders to my home! Continue reading →

Col’Cacchio has a heart for pizza, introduces heart-shaped pizzas!


Col’Cacchio is adding extra love to its pizzas during the Month of Love, in offering them in heart-shape form for the first time, with different toppings available. If one orders any standard Col’Cacchio pizza via Uber Eats today and tomorrow, you receive a Valentine heart-shaped Margarita pizza treat for free. Continue reading →

Woolworths’ ‘CarbClever’ Banting range another misleading consumer rip-off, not Banting clever at all!

Woolworths Carbclever It is interesting to see Woolworths’ reaction to Banting and the (LCHF) low carb high fat eating plan advocated by Professor Tim Noakes, in how long it has taken the retailer to react to the Banting diet craze, and how it has reacted, in misleading health-conscious consumers with its new CarbClever range.

In essence Professor Tim Noakes, in his book ‘Real Meal Revolution‘, advocates a diet of no carbohydrates, such as South African starch staples rice and potatoes, as well as any wheat products such as bread, pasta, and pizza.  He advocates high fat too, suggesting lamb or other high fat meat types, butter, full cream dairy products, and more.  Sugar is completely off the Banting list.

While two Banting-focused restaurants have opened in Cape Town already (65 on Main Banting Café and the not-1oo%-Banting The Banting Kitchen), no Banting product range is known to have been launched in the six months since Banting caught the attention of South Africans.  Now Woolworths has launched the CarbClever range for ‘Carb Conscious Customers‘, odd in its choice Continue reading →

‘Best Before’ dates: are they necessary, do they add to food waste, a retail ploy?

Hard cheesesRecently I have read about a European campaign whereby the ‘Best Before’ dates of foods are being more critically evaluated, seen to having been a ploy by manufacturers to get more of their products sold.  Now the European Union is getting involved in standardising ‘Best Before’ dates for food types, to reduce the 89 million tons of food thrown away in Europe annually, of which at least 10% is still edible. A third of all food produced in Europe is thrown away.

Most food products have two dates, the one being the sell-by date, being the date which the manufacturer feels is the ideal to give the product perfect consistency, taste, and nutritional value; and the other being the ‘Best Before’ date until when it is safe to eat the product.   The longer the time period between date of manufacture and sell-by date, the longer the product is edible after the ‘Best Before’ date.

The European Union has decreed that pasta, rice,coffee, jams, pickles, and hard Continue reading →