Tag Archives: President Ramaphosa

Corona Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 186 of Level 1, Last Day of 750 days of Lockdown, 4 April 2022


Monday 4 April 2022, Day 186 of Level 1, last day of 750 days of Lockdown 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a much cooler day, overcast this morning, with a light drizzle at lunchtime, and sunny this afternoon but the cloud over Lions Head confirming that rain is in the way from tonight, for two days; for writing client posts and editing a newsletter; for a walk to Woolies at lunchtime; for receiving a book to review from a former South African who has lived in the UK for the past 40 years, Julian Roup having the same surname as the maiden name of Jenny Stephens, definitely related but Continue reading →

President Ramaphosa announces new regulation relaxation, Disaster Management Act to fall away after 16 April!


In his first speech to the nation in almost six months, his first Corona speech being two years ago, President Ramaphosa announced the lifting of the National State of Disaster Act once the public has commented on new Health regulations by 16 April.

The President enumerated the positive and negative effects of the Corona Virus over the two years.

He described our country as being at a watershed moment after four waves, due to 60 – 80 % of our country’s population having an illness immunity and/or being vaccinated. He said that the country’s economy has almost returned to normal. Continue reading →

Corona Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 173 of Level 1, 22 March 2022.


Tuesday 22 March 2022, Day 173 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a beautiful day, hot at 29C with no wind; for ticking off another 2022 goal in passing my eye test by hook and by crook at the Gallows Hill Traffic Department in Green Point, taking 90 minutes, 30 minutes of which the eye test department was offline; for celebrating my temporary license with a lovely lunch at Cucina at the Goodman Gallery, a first visit, the Goodman Gallery preparing for a new exhibition, so I only saw one artwork already hung; for getting my client posting Continue reading →

USA to remove Southern African countries from its Travel Ban List on 31 December 2021!


President Biden announced earlier this week by proclamation that the USA will lift its ban on travel into the USA from South Africa and its neighbouring countries from tomorrow, reports News24.

South Africa and its neighbours were banned by numerous countries after its scientists shared the detection of the new Omicron variant at the end of November.

The USA follows the UK, Australia, and a handful of other countries which have lifted their travel bans instituted against Southern Africa almost world-wide at the end of November.  The European Union and Germany in particular are still holding back on lifting their travel bans.

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