Tag Archives: swallows

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journal Journal, Day 73 of Level 1, 12 December 2021.:


Sunday 12 December 2021, 3rd Advent, 🎄Day 73 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude🙏

#grateful for a peaceful day, catching up on sleep and on me; for writing a Blogpost for tomorrow; for seeing German swallows Thomas and Haakon walking past my apartment, flying back tomorrow; for a call from swallow Gabi in Germany, to check how things are going, she wanting to return to her apartment in Camps Bay; for a walk to Gibson’s to photograph the ice cream and Shake kiosk, seeing Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 10, 5 April 2020


Sunday 5 April 2020, SA Corona Virus Day 21, SA Lockdown Day 10 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for the lovely light rain, with more to come; for having a lovely relaxed day; for cuddling up in bed to watch Netflix; for doing 50 rounds of walking in the garage; and for being healthy and happy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

New prestige winery Paserene opens outside Franschhoek!

It was fellow writer Llewellyn Lambert who introduced me to the brand new winery Paserene, and who suggested that we stop at it when driving past it outside Franschhoek last week. We were very impressed with the beautiful new tasting room, and the exquisite three wines that we were offered to taste.  Continue reading →

New Immigration regulations: Cape Tourism authorities outraged!

South African travel visaThe Cape Town and Western Cape tourism authorities are outraged by the arbitrary changes which have been made in the newly promulgated Immigration Regulations 2014, especially those pertaining to child tourists, and the effect that this is having already on tourism to our city and province.  The implementation of the Regulations has been delayed from 1 July to 1 October, as a result of the uproar it has generated.

The new Immigration regulations require parents to travel with the unabridged birth certificate of each child, the only country in the world to require this documentation for travel to another country.  The process of acquiring such  a document is a lengthy one, one mother writing on Facebook that she had just collected hers from the Malmesbury offices of the Department of Home Affairs after a 13 month waiting period.  This branch is the most efficient at such applications, she had been advised.  The regulations also require the second parent to agree to the foreign travel by the child if that parent is not part of the travel party.

In addition, the new regulations require that visas be applied for outside the country, which would make Continue reading →