Saturday 22 January 2022, Day 114 of Level 1 😷
Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏
#grateful for surviving a record-breaking 37C day, the hottest this summer; for my Alex and Patryk arriving safely, spoiling me with two bottles of my favorite ckone and a massive Toblerone; for bumping into my Tourist Guiding lecturer Julie Womack at the airport, also meeting family; for a lovely breakfast at Zest for the hungry boys; for Camps Bay being busy but not as manic as it was two weeks ago, cars parked on Victoria Road at 7h15 already, when I drove to the airport; for our building manager Henry coming in to help fix an earth leakage problem, which created a security risk to our building 🙏; for the boys getting to Paternoster safely this afternoon, and lucky to be eating at Wolfgat this evening; for a meeting with Jo Pentz and Craig and Guilliana Cockcroft, brainstorming how one can educate adults and children about picking up litter; for a Litter Clean Up at the Tidal Pool, with 11 volunteers as well as Gift, expecting the litter situation to be far worse, filling 75 bags 🙏; and for being happy, healthy and free. 🙏💙
Mercury Retrograde is causing havoc. Our garage door gave up the ghost this afternoon, not wanting to open, the third time in just more than a month. 😱
My phone battery died before I could photograph all the litter volunteers. 😱 A homeless person grabbed one of our litter bags which I was guarding. The Theatre on the Bay Security person ran after him and grabbed it back! 😡
SA Corona Status: 3,579,428 cases 94063 deaths 29,363,052 vaccinations
FitBit 10000 steps 7 km 👣
LovemylifeandloveGaryslife 💙❤️
The Corona Virus Lockdown (Level 5), announced by our President Cyril Ramaphosa earlier to commence on 27 March 2020 and to continue until 16 April, subsequently extended to 30 April, lowered to Level 4 from 1 May, lowered to Level 3 from 1 June, lowered to Level 2 from 18 August, lowered to Level 1 from 21 September, and moved back to Adjusted Level 3 from 29 December, extended to 15 February on 11 January 2021, extended but relaxed on 1 February, and relaxed back to Level 1 on 1 March 2021, moved back to Adjusted Level 2 on 31 May, moved back to level 3 on 16 June, and moved back to Adjusted Level 4 on 28 June, extended by two weeks on 11 July, returned to Level 3 on 26 July, returned to Level 2 on 13 September, returned to Level 1 on 1 October, and the Curfew Curfew lifted on 30 December 2021 is an unprecedented event in my lifetime. I am posting my daily Facebook post to journal this Corona Lockdown Journey, perhaps to serve as material for a future Book.
Chris von Ulmenstein, WhaleTales Blog: Tel +27 082 55 11 323 Twitter:@Ulmenstein Facebook: Chris von Ulmenstein, My Cape Town Guide/Mein Kapstadt Guide Instagram: @Chrissy_Ulmenstein @MyCapeTownGuide