The Sweet Service Award goes to Mynhardt’s Kitchen in Paarl for its professional delivery of a Fruitcake, to publicise its charity drive to sell 1200 Festive Fruitcakes, to support disadvantaged children in Paarl, and frail and disadvantaged elderly persons in Montagu. Not only did I receive a Fruitcake, but the goodie box contained the non-perishable ingredients which one would use to bake a Fruitcake too. In addition, a recipe card was sent to bake a Fruitcake, as well as tips on how to store and serve a Fruitcake. The most professional presentation which I have seen in a long time, and all for a good cause.
The Sour Service Award goes to Discovery Insure, for a staff member calling me last week, asking if I would like to buy their car insurance without an excess. I would have expected her to have done her homework before calling, as I am already a Discovery Insure client without an excess! Discovery is so professional in many ways yet is so poor in its customer service, especially when interacting with their call centre staff.
The WhaleTales Sweet & Sour Service Awards are presented every Friday on the WhaleTales blog. Nominations for the Sweet and Sour Service Awards can be sent to Chris von Ulmenstein at chrisvonulmenstein [at] Past winners of the Sweet and Sour Service Awards can be read on the Friday posts of this blog.
Chris von Ulmenstein, WhaleTales Blog: Tel +27 082 55 11 323 Twitter:@Ulmenstein Facebook: Chris von Ulmenstein, My Cape Town Guide/Mein Kapstadt Guide Instagram: @Chrissy_Ulmenstein @MyCapeTownGuide
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