Category Archives: Carnival

Colourful Cape Town day, with two long-standing events: Cape Minstrels and Cape2Rio yacht race!


It’s an exciting day in Cape Town today, being the second New Year’s Day and proclaimed as a public holiday, the city showing its colourful side with two events.

The traditional Tweede Nuwe Jaar Cape Minstrel Carnival takes to the streets between Bo-Kaap and the Grand Parade this afternoon, with thousands of minstrels expected to participate in the procession. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 170 of Level 1, 19 March 2022


Saturday 19 March 2022, Day 170 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a lovely day, at 30C plus in parts of the city, a strong wind coming up late afternoon; for doing some work this morning; for a Hartlief shop in the Gardens Centre, so lovely when the staff asked where I’ve been; for finding tiny figs at Food Lovers Market, amazingly priced, not going there regularly enough; for attending a charity German Rotary Club Garden Party at the residence of Madam Consul of Germany in Bishopscourt, selling Bratwurst and Leberkäse on rolls, and beer, Continue reading →

Colourful Cape Town Carnival 2020 honours ‘Incredible Journey: Sounds of South Africa’ on 21 March!


Last week I was invited to a Media Preview of the 2020 Cape Town Carnival, at its Warehouse in Maitland, and introduced to the Carnival theme, float preparations, staff, and costumes. I was struck by the bold colours of this year’s Carnival, and the enthusiasm of the staff who we were introduced to. The theme for this year is ‘Incredible Journey: Sounds of South Africa’, and will be held on Human Rights Day, 21 March.  Continue reading →