Category Archives: Vegan

Harvest Culture Eaterie opens Modern Bistro in Tyger Falls Waterfront, celebrates Earth’s bounty!


In speaking to Homespun Chef Matt Schreuder about his new restaurant opening at The Andros Boutique Hotel next month, he told me that his father, the well-known restaurateur Dale Schreuder known for the Dale’s steakhouses he has owned over the past more than 30 years, has opened a new restaurant with a completely different concept.

Harvest Culture Eaterie is Dale’s tenth restaurant, and describes itself as a ‘modern Bistro’, ‘celebrating Earth’s bounty’ .

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Anatoli Mediterranean Restaurant launches Vegan Tasting Menu at R195!


Tomorrow Anatoli Mediterranean Restaurant launches its brand new Vegan Tasting Menu, three courses costing R195. Each course offers a choice of  dishes. One would not necessarily associate Mediterranean foods with Veganism, but creative Anatoli Chef Jacques du Toit has designed a tasty and aromatic Tasting Menu suiting Vegans and Vegetarians, containing no animal-derived products, and being purely plant-based.

The decision to introduce a Vegan Tasting Menu comes from Anatoli GM and co-owner Russell Zieff, after observing the trend to Veganism, and receiving a number of requests for Vegan-friendly food. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 67 of Level 1, 26 November 2020


Thursday 26 November 2020, Day 67 of Level 1, Day 246 of Lockdown 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for a beautiful day, with the South Easter picking up this afternoon; for feeling on top of the world; for a quick walk through Bakoven; for an excellent client status meeting this afternoon, with good news from both sides; with a shop at a Pick n Pay Branch in town, connecting with the store manager who was at the Camps Bay store until earlier this year, helping me with an overcharge on a mushroom deal, so he gave them to me for free 🙏; for dancing the rest of my steps to Kfm; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Celebrating Vegan Month with a B-Well Vegan Mayonnaise Chocolate Cake in a Cup!


It is clear to see that the Vegan trend is growing by leaps and bounds.  In Camps Bay, for example, three restaurants out of twenty in the suburb are almost completely Vegan in the fare they offer, particularly okja and Plant Food, while Firefly Café has a large percentage of Vegan dishes. Even regular restaurants have a number of Vegan dishes on their menus.

In honour of Vegan Month I was challenged by B-Well, together with a number of other ‘Influencers’, to bake a Vegan Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake in a Mug, the mayonnaise ingredient intriguing me in particular, and therefore I agreed  to participate. Continue reading →