Tag Archives: alcohol

Restaurant Collective plea to Government: please reopen restaurants on 12 July, even if without alcohol!


The Restaurant Collective, which includes restaurants such as Tasha’s and Ocean Basket, has called on Government to not extend the Level 4 Lockdown Sit-Down Restaurant closure from 12 July.

The Restaurant Collective is a voluntary association which is ‘a unified voice for positive change for the Sit-down restaurant industry in South Africa’.  Its members are predominantly Johannesburg based, in a province which is currently severely struggling with Covid case numbers. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 8 of Level 3, 23 June 2021


Wednesday 23 June 2021, Day 8 of Level 3 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for recovering from yesterday, feeling increasingly better as the day progressed; for getting most of my work done in the very early hours of the morning, as I had a morning meeting, even getting a Bakoven walk squeezed in this morning, seeing the wild ocean; for an excellent planning meeting at Zest, loving the additional responsibility I’ve been given; for working at Zest after the meeting, tasting two of its dishes; for a sociable Anatoli Status meeting, adding to the cups of tea Continue reading →

CNN puts in a good word for South Africa in the Corona Virus pandemic!


A video of a CNN news broadcast did the rounds in our country last week, a small ray of light in a negative association with ‘South Africa’.

The South African Corona Virus mutation has created very poor PR for our country, as it is one of the mutations that spreads faster, and has created a travel ban from our country to a host of other countries around the world. Continue reading →

Have Cape Town’s beaches become a political beach ball, Film shoots cancelled by Police Minister Bheki Cele! Beaches quieter than expected!


Yesterday a visit to Camps Bay beach as well as eight other Cape Town beaches by Police Minister Bheki Cele appeared to develop into a political beach ball between the ANC-led Government and the DA-led City of Cape Town, a mask-wearing mission by the Minister resulting in him closing down a film shoot set up to take place just in front of the Lifesaving building on the Camps Bay Beach.

According to news reports the City of Cape Town is to seek a reversal of the film shoot ban in the High Court, via an urgent interdict! Continue reading →