Tag Archives: Atlantic Sun

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 28 of Level 1, 28 October 2021.


Thursday 28 October 2021, Day 28 of Level 1 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for making the best of today, with 5 hours of my working day being affected by Loadshedding, using some of it to catch up on sleep, a walk in Bakoven, and shopping at Ultra (looking very different) and Spar (looks like a mini-Ultra when you walk in); for getting my Dinkel rolls and free range eggs; for doing a large part of my writing after the first Loadshedding this morning, at 2h30 😱; for a good meeting for Utopia and Anatoli, with a spoil of biscuits for tea, I joking with my client that they were to celebrate my first anniversary of working on the Utopia Continue reading →

Cleaning Camps Bay: giving back to the community!


I’ve been called many things in my life, but the one that I like the most is that I’m ‘The cleaning lady of Camps Bay’, referring to my daily walks in Camps Bay and Bakoven, wearing a gardening glove to pick up litter along the way.

Atlantic Sun reporter Shahied Joseph wanted to honour women in the Camps Bay Community, and had heard about my litter cleaning, which I have done over the past two and a half years. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 24 of Level 3, 19 August 2021


Thursday 19 August 2021, Day 24 of Level 3 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#gratitude for a sunny day but only 17C, and a very chilly evening and a strong Southerly wind; for a busy day to catch up on all my admin, not having any meetings today; for walking to Pick n Pay Camps Bay to get an Atlantic Sun, to see the lovely article written by Shahied Joseph, about my litter cleaning in Camps Bay 🙏💙; for a late afternoon Bakoven walk; for my right hip ache of the last few days having gone; for meeting German walkers walking their cat on a lead, a ginger too, so I had to photograph the cat 🙀; and for being happy, healthy and free. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 15 of Level 3, 10 August 2021.


Tuesday 10 August 2021, Day 16 of Level 3 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a warm sunny 17C day; for a working writing morning, feeling like a Monday, with today’s meetings moved to tomorrow, and with lots of client reviews coming in to which I reply; for an interview and walk with Atlantic Sun reporter Shahied Joseph about my Litter Cleaning in Camps Bay, Shahied seeing a rock skull in Bali Bay on our walk 😱; for being so impressed with Learner Marc Ostweiler’s report on his community project Litter Cleaning with me; for a Bakoven walk; for lovely Kfm Dansdag music; and for being happy, Continue reading →