Tag Archives: camps Bay hardware

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 162 of Level 1, 11 March 2022.


Friday 11 March 2022, Day 162 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a full busy day at Botlierskop, with a very early start at 6h00, surviving on 3 hours of sleep, going on a 4 hour game drive on the 5000 ha private game reserve, seeing springboks, impala, bontebok, waterbok, zebras, rhinos, eland, ostriches ….. but the lions were hiding; for a refreshment stop with hot chocolate and Amarula and rusks 💙; for surviving the game drive, feeling nauseous and fearful, it feeling like turbulence, driving in a 4 wheel drive vehicle on rough terrain, our driver Continue reading →

Sweet Service Award goes to Camps Bay Hardware; Sour Service Award goes to 95 at Parks!


The Sweet Service Award goes to Camps Bay Hardware, and its owner Jared Stein, a real Community-oriented business, in which customers are recognised and greeted by name, and are offered discounts. Should Jared not stock an item, he offers to obtain it from elsewhere, and has even dropped off some of my orders to my home! Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 156 of Level 1, 5 March 2022


Saturday 5 March 2022, Day 156 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a wonderful day, at 29C; for a late lie-in to try and catch up on too little sleep; for a cellphone accessory spoil, getting a new glass covering and a stronger plastic cover at Cellmate in Camps Bay, and buying a new charging cable and double plug at Camps Bay Hardware, the latter always giving excellent service; for a Berry and ice cream spoil at The Pottery, the waffle meant to go with it not made as the waffle iron packed up due to an electrical fault; for meeting lovely new renters Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 106 of Level 1, 14 January 2022


Friday 14 January 2022, Day 106 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for the lessons learnt in a fabulous morning and a terrible afternoon, ending off on a good note; for a fabulous weather day, at 31C or more, perfect, with no wind; for an early departure from home, to take my car for a service to Audi in the Waterfront with barely any traffic on the way, with a very efficient car check-in; for a wonderful breakfast and temporary office table at The Granary at The Silo Hotel in the Waterfront, whilst waiting for my car for three hours, having the most Continue reading →