Tag Archives: chefs

Top 10 Women Chefs in Cape Town and the Winelands: 2022


For the third year running we are acknowledging female chefs heading up restaurant kitchens in Cape Town and the Winelands.

Started during Lockdown in 2020, as a celebration of Women’s Day, the Top 10 Women Chefs List highlights how few top restaurants have female chefs in their kitchens in general, and even fewer have women chefs heading up the restaurant kitchens.

We are grateful to Brenda Wilkinson of RIO LARGO Olive Estate for sponsoring a gift of its beautiful colourful Extra Virgin Olive Oil packs to our Top 10 Women Chefs. Continue reading →

SA Chef: Chris von Ulmenstein: ‘The Food Critic Chefs love to hate’


I met Riana Andrews, Editor of SA Chef, at a recent function hosted by the Finnish Embassy in Pretoria, in Constantia. She expressed interest in writing a profile about me, and contracted Rebecca Bourhill, chef, blogger, and food writer, to do so for SA Chef magazine.

SA Chef is the official voice of the South African Chefs Association, which has close to 10000 chefs, restaurateurs, educators, learners and culinarians  as members. Its focus is on skills development of the industry. Continue reading →

Chef Callan Austin wins international 2019 – 2021 S. Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Award Young Chef Award for Social Responsibilty, only SA winner!


Chef Callan Austin of Chefs Warehouse Tintswalo won the S.Pellegrino Young Chef Award for Social Responsibility at the Grand Finale of the S. Pellegrino Young Chef Academy Competition  2019 – 2021 in Milan this past weekend. His dish was named ‘The Ghost Net’.

Chef Paul Prinsloo was a Finalist in the Young Chef Academy Award, one of ten chefs. The overall winner was Chef  Jerome Ianmark Calayag, representing the UK and Northern Europe.

Chef Marcus Gericke is the Head Chef at Le Coin Français in Franschhoek, and  was a Finalist in the Fine Dining Lovers Food for Thought Award 2021 for his ‘Remembrance’ dish of a Quail consommé. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 5 of Level 1, 5 October 2021


Tuesday 5 October 2021, Day 5 of Level 1 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a fabulous day, not only the 22 C sunny day, but also relaxed, getting all my work done; for a good night’s sleep, still not able to believe how quiet it is in our building 💙; for buying a stockpile of cat food, given the shortage of Whiskas, having to drive to Pick n Pay down the road, doing a monthly shop which I haven’t done in years, not doing it again in a hurry, with errors on their specials, it taking longer to do the refund than to take my payment 😱; for a walk to Bakoven; Continue reading →