Tag Archives: cinemas

Western Cape Government requests National Government support for its Hospitality industry, hard hit by Lockdown Level 4!


The Western Cape Government has requested the National Government to financially support businesses which have been partially or fully shut down by the Lockdown Adjusted Level 4 regulations.

Businesses in the restaurant, alcoholic beverages, cinema, casino, gym, theatre, and conferencing industries are once again hard hit, as was the case in January this year.

Western Province Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities David Maynier has requested the National Minister of Employment and Labour to reintroduce TERS/UIF, to assist the staff of businesses affected by the Lockdown to be able to pay their basics of rent and food.


President Ramaphosa announces new Lockdown Adjusted Level 4 regulations!


Minister Maynier wrote as follows:

With the announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa last night that South Africa will move to Adjusted Alert Level 4 restrictions for the next 14 days it is critical that national government provide a support package for business whose operations are limited or shutdown.

And so, I have written to the Minister of Employment and Labour, Thulas Nxesi, to request that he reopen the UIF Covid-19 TERS scheme for the duration of the Alert Level 4 restrictions to assist businesses and employees who are not able to operate.

Many businesses, particularly in the hospitality and liquor sectors have already been hard-hit with significant job losses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Wine farms, restaurants and coffee shops cannot survive on takeaways alone. Two weeks of no income for these businesses, as well as cinemas, gyms, casinos, conferencing venues and theatres, will have a direct and sudden impact on people’s livelihoods – their ability to pay salaries, rent and buy food.

The UIF TERS funds could provide the lifeline that businesses and employees need to sustain their operations while these restrictions on the economy are in place.

The Western Cape government has focused on getting the balance right between preventing the spread of Covid-19 while keeping the economy as open as possible, saving both lives and livelihoods.

We have worked hard to support businesses to open safely by providing extensive guidance and assistance in implementing the necessary Covid-19 protocols in the workplace.

And we encourage both employers and employees to continue making use of our comprehensive guidelines and other resources to implement the necessary health and safety measures to stop the spread of Covid-19 in the workplace: coronavirus.westerncape.gov.za/covid-19-resources-workplaces

We all have a role to play to stop the spread of Covid-19 and it remains all our responsibility to continue adhering to the health protocols required to stop the spread of Covid-19.

We can also support those businesses that are impacted by the restrictions. We know times are tough, but if you can, please support our restaurant sector and order takeaways over the next two weeks, especially from small businesses.

Together we will stay safe, and we will move forward so that we can save jobs and save the economy in the Western Cape.” – Minister David Maynier


Chris von Ulmenstein, WhaleTales Blog: www.whaletalesblog.com www.chrisvonulmenstein.com/blog Tel +27 082 55 11 323 Twitter:@Ulmenstein Facebook: Chris von Ulmenstein, My Cape Town Guide/Mein Kapstadt Guide Instagram: @Chrissy_Ulmenstein @MyCapeTownGuide



President Ramaphosa moves SA to Level 1, shifts Curfew to midnight – 4h00, Restaurants remain open until 23h00!


Excellent news announced by the surprise and very short Speech by President Cyril Ramaphosa this evening is that the Government is moving the country to Level 1 from tonight, marking the 11-month anniversary of Lockdown in our country.

President Ramaphosa announced that the move to Level 1 pushes the Curfew to midnight, until 4h00. Restaurant closing times were not addressed, possibly moving to 23h00. In the Gazette, the closing time of restaurants is confirmed as 23h00.  Continue reading →

Regulations for Lockdown Alert Level 2 gazetted: No mention of lifting cigarette ban in regulations!


I was fortunate to receive a copy of the gazetted Lockdown Level 2 regulations prior to the presentation by Minister Dlamini-Zuma at a Media Livestream just after lunch time today.


The Regulations are as follows:

1. The Curfew remains in place, from 22h00 – 4h00

2. A mask must be worn at all times when leaving one’s home, including in public transport

3. No more than 50 persons may attend a funeral

4.  No evictions from own accommodation is allowed.

5.  Any disputes regarding rented accommodation must be heard by the Rental Housing Tribunal

6.  Gatherings are not allowed except for a funeral, a religious gathering, the workplace, conferences and meetings, cinemas (maximum of 50 persons), theatres, concerts, and live performances of up to 50 persons. casinos, auctions, sporting activities, weddings (limited to 50 persons), social events at one’s home with a maximum of 10 persons, fitness centres and gyms (maximum of 50 persons), sports fields, swimming pools (maximum of 50 persons), beaches, public parks, museums, galleries, libraries, Personal Care services, restaurants, bars (maximum of 50 persons), Taverns (maximum of 50 persons), Shebeens (maximum of 50 persons), tour operators, and all accommodation establishments including AirBnB (maximum of 50% of floor space).

7.  Night clubs are not allowed to open.

8.  The country’s borders remain closed except for ports (but cruise ship stops are still banned), and for approved flights for persons requiring international medical care, and for incoming and outgoing repatriation travel.

9.  Transport regulations: buses and taxis may not carry more than 70% for long distance travel, and 100% for any other travel; all passengers must wear a mask.

10.  Licensed on-consumption establishments may sell alcohol (no timing restrictions) , while licensed off-consumption outlets may sell alcohol on Mondays – Thursdays, from 9h00 – 17h00.

A shock is that the ban on cigarette sales, which the President announced would be lifted, is not mentioned in the gazetted Level 2 regulations at all. A news report by News24 states: ‘Level two has no provisions on tobacco, which means no restrictions or limits in the sale of cigarettes, vaping liquid, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, or anything associated with these products’.  In her speech, the Minister mentioned that cigarettes should be smoked responsibly, and should not be shared!


About Chris von Ulmenstein

Chris von Ulmenstein, WhaleTales Blog: www.chrisvonulmenstein.com/blog Tel +27 082 55 11 323 Twitter:@Ulmenstein Facebook: Chris von Ulmenstein, My Cape Town Guide/Mein Kapstadt Guide Instagram: @Chrissy_Ulmenstein @MyCapeTownGuide


Government gazettes updated Level 3 regulations for Restaurants, Theatres, Cinemas, and more, only certainty for Restaurants is that ‘on-site consumption is prohibited’! Still no opening date or specific regulations announced!


Just before midnight last night the Government released the updated Level 3 regulations for the businesses which are allowed to reopen, including Restaurants for Sit-Down Service, Personal Care businesses, theaters, cinemas, and casinos.  Whilst the dreadful news that ‘on-site consumption of alcohol is prohibited’, seemingly not only in restaurants, is confirmed through the new regulations, Restaurateurs remain in the dark as to when Restaurants are allowed to reopen, and which regulations are to be followed. While theaters and cinemas have an attendance limit announced in the updated Level 3 regulations, they too do not have reopening dates. Should 1 July be the reopening date, Restaurants will have less than five days to get themselves organised and prepared for reopening!
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