Sunday 19 July 2020, Day 49 of Level 3, after 66 days of a level 5 and 4 😷
Corona Gratitude 🙏
#Grateful for a summer day at 21C, everyone happy, with a spring in their step, and Camps Bay experiencing a second boom day, just like a normal weekend summer day, with a traffic jam since midday, and still continuing, and our first picnickers visiting our suburb, feeling a lot like pre-Lockdown days; for minimal litter on my walk to Clifton, enjoying this walk, not having been here for more than a week; for a second shorter walk to Woolies, always happy to spot a bargain, seeming to become cheaper than our Pick n Pay; for a long sleep last night and the indulgence of a lovely snooze on the terrace, digesting Vit D; for my cute Minsky playing carguard from her perch on the terrace, as the cars inch through Camps Bay; for quick service from Camps Bay CSI; for another lovely concert by Daniel Hope of Hope@Home performed with the Slovenian Signum Saxophone Quartet in Bonn this evening; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →