Tag Archives: homeless structures

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 82 of Level 1, 21 May 2021.


Friday 21 May 2021, Day 82 of Level 1 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for a productive writing morning; for welcoming the sun back again on a beautiful day; for a calm and peaceful day; for Wally a new cleaner coming to work for the first time, he and I spending three hours cleaning up litter on steep embankments in Bali Bay, at former homeless structures, and around the Tidal Pool, all the way up to Glen beach; and for being happy, healthy, and free. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 25 of Level 1, 15 October 2020.


Thursday 15 October 2020, Day 25 of Level 1, Day 203 of Lockdown 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for another sunny day, at 22C; for another social and eating-out day; for a peaceful day and one of spoiling; for a short surprise visit for tea by Vivian Warby; for discovering Bo-Kaap Deli, now less than half the size of the former Batavia Café, meeting the owner Munier, and being impressed with the canopies erected over the pavements, given the reduced seating space inside; for a lovely catch up lunch with Michael MacKenzie at Oxalis Eatery in Wale Street; for chatting to Rafael and Marta, owners of OpenWine, which they have reopened on Wale Street, and meeting the most stunning Brazilian-South African Miguel there, singing my Blog praises – see the video 😱💙; for a walk through Camps Bay, happy to see that the City of Cape Town has erected safety barriers where the fence came down in the wind storm on Victoria Road, even if it took them two weeks to erect them; for a chat with Law Enforcement Officer Ivor Ramsay, always welcoming me into his office; for being happy for a big operation of removing Homeless structures around Maiden’s Cove and below Camps Bay High today; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 49 of Level 3, 19 July 2020.


Sunday 19 July 2020, Day 49 of Level 3, after 66 days of a level 5 and 4 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for a summer day at 21C, everyone happy, with a spring in their step, and Camps Bay experiencing a second boom day, just like a normal weekend summer day, with a traffic jam since midday, and still continuing, and our first picnickers visiting our suburb, feeling a lot like pre-Lockdown days; for minimal litter on my walk to Clifton, enjoying this walk, not having been here for more than a week; for a second shorter walk to Woolies, always happy to spot a bargain, seeming to become cheaper than our Pick n Pay; for a long sleep last night and the indulgence of a lovely snooze on the terrace, digesting Vit D; for my cute Minsky playing carguard from her perch on the terrace, as the cars inch through Camps Bay; for quick service from Camps Bay CSI; for another lovely concert by Daniel Hope of Hope@Home performed with the Slovenian Signum Saxophone Quartet in Bonn this evening; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →