Tag Archives: Isabella Page Morgan

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 78 of Level 1, 17 December 2021


Friday 17 December 2021, Day 78 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a relaxed working day, having until lunchtime to finish the client posts, fitting in a Vit D shot on the terrace too; for a beach of a day, after the heavy South Easter last night; for a cut and colour at Hair by Isabella Page Morgan in Sea Point, dying of heat having the mask on for two hours, with no breeze; for shopping at Woolworths St John’s Piazza, always a service issue; for a quick hello to Celia Mauerberger at Frosted; for an ice cream treat at The Dairy Den; for getting home, having Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 18 of Level 3, 13 August 2021.


Friday 13 August 2021, Day 18 of Level 3 😷

Corona Gratitude 😷

#grateful for a fabulous Friday the 13th, happy and healthy after not feeling well yesterday; for a busy busy day, having to catch up on yesterday’s meetings which I had to cancel; for a hair colour by Isabella Page Morgan, postponing the cut to next week, as I ran out of time; for a lovely supportive meeting with Gaia Gift & Decor Boutique owner Landy Walker in the newkings boutique hotel at Zest Restaurant; for a wonderful Friday lunch at the home of Gary Peterson, on a perfect weather day, protected against the unseasonal South-Easter, shared with Rose Klein, Hans-Werner Klein, Terri Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 69 of Level 1, 8 May 2021


Saturday 8 May 2021, Day 69 of Level 1 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for a lovely sunny day after 3 days of cold, grey and rain; for a day of indulgence, having my hair cut and coloured by Isabella Page Morgan; for popping in at Schoon on the corner of Main and St John’s Road, to buy a dessert treat for lunch, as well as at Woolies St John’s Piazza, for bread for the lunch; for an early 😻😻 Mother’s Day lunch feast with Michele Antelme at my home, she bringing a Mauritian Creole Rougaille, made with garlic, onion, ginger, thyme, tomato paste and canned tomatoes, with beef sausage, mmmmm, and cheeses, and biscuits, which we washed down with a fabulous Oak Valley Sauvignon Blanc, enjoying the sunniness, view, and warmth of the terrace; for a Vit D snooze on the terrace, not having had one in ages; for a walk to Woolies to pay an account, rewarded with a lovely sunset ❤️; for listening to lovely music on Kfm’s Blokparty while I write; for having Minsky for a year today 😻; and for being happy, healthy, and free 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 49 of Level 3 Adjusted, 13 February 2021


Saturday 13 February 2021, Day 49 of Level 3 Adjusted, Day 344 of Lockdown 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for an amazing day with many surprises; for Imtiaz coming to work; for a leg wax at the Skin Studio in Sea Point, Stephanie always being gentle 💙; for a lovely hair cut and colour by Isabella Page Morgan 💙; for getting to my lunch date with Gary Peterson at the new Noah Café almost on time, spending a most wonderful lunch and afternoon there 💙; for collecting the last three boxes of figs from Peppertree Café 💙; for a quick clean up walk with Imtiaz, but we were far too early as the picnickers were still in Camps Bay in full force, so I’ll go and do the rest tomorrow after the rain; for a fabulous evening at Utopia, lovely to see that it was so full that reservations were closed for this evening; for a surprise gift pack of wines and a gin standing outside my door from the lovely UK clients staying in one of the apartments in our building, with whom I had such a lovely restaurant chat two days ago, who had to return to the UK today due to a serious illness of his brother-in-law; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →