Tag Archives: rhinos

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 165 of Level 1, 14 March 2022


Monday 14 March 2022, Day 165 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for another lovely day in Plettenberg Bay, starting with rain and slowly clearing at midday; for a generous Grand breakfast, offered granola, fruit and yoghurt, as well as a cooked breakfast from the Old Town Italy menu dated 2020, I choosing a Tony Soprano, with poached eggs, Béchamel sauce, and bacon, the terrace fire lit for us as it was chilly most of the day; for Sonja joining me for a walk up and then down the Main Road, popping into shops, but resisting all temptations; for a call Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 162 of Level 1, 11 March 2022.


Friday 11 March 2022, Day 162 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a full busy day at Botlierskop, with a very early start at 6h00, surviving on 3 hours of sleep, going on a 4 hour game drive on the 5000 ha private game reserve, seeing springboks, impala, bontebok, waterbok, zebras, rhinos, eland, ostriches ….. but the lions were hiding; for a refreshment stop with hot chocolate and Amarula and rusks 💙; for surviving the game drive, feeling nauseous and fearful, it feeling like turbulence, driving in a 4 wheel drive vehicle on rough terrain, our driver Continue reading →

WhaleTales Tourism, Food, and Wine news headlines: 9 October

WhaleTalesTourism, Food, and Wine news headlines

*   Air France and kulula.com have created a codeshare agreement, allowing passengers to connect with Air France from a number of domestic airports in checking in their luggage, and doing their own one-stop check-ins.  Premium Air France passengers will be able to use the SLOW Lounges at Cape Town, Durban, and Johannesburg airports.

*   In a bid to protect the rhinos in the Kruger National Park from poaching, it is offering for sale groups of 20 white rhinos or more.   In the past year 1000 rhinos were poached, the rhinos in the Kruger Park being the main target.

*   Michael Bublè is coming back to Cape Town on 19 March, but his concert will be held one night only, and at the Cape Continue reading →