Tag Archives: StreetSmart SA

Corona Virus Lockdown: StreetSmart encourages home diners to ‘Dine In. Do Good!’ to fund the support of street children!


StreetSmart SA, a Public Benefit Organisation which collects monies from R5 donations paid by patrons at participating restaurants, has been affected in doing its good work in caring for Street Children by the Corona Virus Lockdown, as no restaurants have been permitted to trade in the past two months.

In order to continue its good work, needed even more so during these difficult times, the organisation has launched an interim ‘Dine In. Do Good!’ campaign, encouraging home diners to donate R150 per month (R5 per day), or even more to StreetSmart SA until restaurants reopen. Continue reading →

My Book ‘SwitchBitch: My journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet!’ has been launched!

At a private intimate dinner party my first book ‘SwitchBitch: My journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet’ was launched last night, attended by very special friends. It documents my journey of a mainly physical transformation over a twenty month period.  Continue reading →

StreetSmart SA raises R1,1 million nationally, donates R540000 to Cape Town Street children projects!

Yesterday I attended a moving StreetSmart South Africa function at the Salesian Institute,  at which R540000 of the annual monies raised in Cape Town restaurants was presented to six organizations working with street children. In total StreetSmart raised R1,1 million nationally in the past year.  Continue reading →

Camino de Santiago screenings at The Labia cinema supports StreetSmart SA

Walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain is a very spiritual experience, transversing many pilgrimage routes, leading to the ultimate destination of the shrine of the apostle St James the Great in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Two movies dealing with walking the Camino will be screened at the Labia Theatre next weekend, in aid of StreetSmart SA. Continue reading →