Whilst I wrote SwitchBitch 2 in Apricale in Italy last year, I saw JAN the JOURNAL Volume 1 lying in the Apricus Locanda B & B in Italy. I was intrigued by its look and feel, and content, knowing Chef Jan-Hendrik van der Westhuizen, Chef and co-owner of the one star Michelin restaurant JAN in Nice to be highly creative and meticulous in everything that he does. Continue reading →
Tag Archives: ‘SwitchBitch: My Journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet!’
‘SwitchBitch: My Journey of Transformation from Sour to Sweet!’ reprint available, locally and on Amazon!
On Friday I took delivery of the printed copies of my first book ‘SwitchBitch: My Journey of Transformation from Sour to Sweet!’, a reprint and edited version of the book I launched in December. Last week ‘SwitchBitch’ was listed on Amazon as an eBook, with encouraging first sales. Continue reading →
Wizardz Sweet Service Award; Senior Advocate André Bosman Sour Service Award!
The Sweet Service Award goes to Wizardz, and its assistant Yumnah, who assisted me in the layout and first print run of my first book ‘SwitchBitch: My journey of transformation from Sour to Sweet’. I had a deadline for the launch for 20 December, and I was in Yumnah’s hands to get the copies printed and bound by the day before. I received a message on the 15th already, telling me that the books were ready for collection at the Garden Centre branch. This was unexpectedly good service. In a very quick turnaround time, the staff was also able to print a small amount of menus onto the photograph of the book cover, which meant that I did not have to wait for them or return to fetch them! Continue reading →
2017: A year of finding my feet, both on and off the dance floor!
A year ago I posted here on my Blog that 2016 was the best year of my life. Looking back on 2017, I can echo this sentiment about 2017, surpassing what was already a fantastic 2016! The year was crowned by the publishing of my first book, and I plan to write two this year. I discovered my Self-Love, and now can truly stand on my own two feet! Continue reading →