Tag Archives: wind

Corona Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 185 of Level 1, 3 April 2022


Sunday 3 April 2022, Day 185 of Level 1 šŸ˜·

Corona Lockdown Gratitude šŸ™

#grateful for a lovely sunny day and NO wind šŸ™, the wind having blown over two metal plant pots with my bougainvilleas overnight, not happened in 4 years of living here; for a relaxed day; for the company of Earl Grey when Iā€™m at home, having taken over the spare room as his bedroom; for replying to my clientsā€™ diner reviews; for seeing Viv again, fetching her and taking her to Labotessa for an afternoon treat, enjoying their all-day breakfast; for each of us shopping at Fideliā€™s across the Continue reading →

Corona Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 183 of Level 1, 1 April 2022


Friday 1 April 2022, Day 183 of Level 1 šŸ˜·

Corona Lockdown Gratitude šŸ™

#grateful for a fabulous day, that just became better as the day progressed; for being able to do a Bakoven walk on a day with very strong wind, the wind having died down somewhat over lunch time; for preparing a proposal for a prospective client, loving writing it as it is different to the work I do for my other clients; for a meeting at Labotessa Hotel & CafĆ©, loving their tea and Appeltaart spoil šŸ’™ ; for a photograph session at Anatoli, for its participation in Restaurant Week running from today Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 139 of Level 1, 16 February 2022


Wednesday 16 February 2022, Day 139 of Level 1 šŸ˜·

Corona Lockdown Gratitude šŸ™

#grateful for a day that became increasingly better, starting with some rain and a rainbow, seen on Camps Bay Whats App Groups; for preparing for my Client Status meetings; for a brisk walk to the Theatre on the Bay to buy tickets; for assistance from Discovery Sea Point, to send through my eye test proof (not charmed when I received a message this afternoon that an error was madešŸ˜±), to find Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 127 of Level 1, 4 February 2022


Friday 4 February 2022, Day 127 of LevelĀ 1 šŸ˜·

Corona Lockdown Gratitude šŸ™

#Grateful for a sunny but windy day, the wind strong now in Camps Bay; for a well-paced working day, posting for my clients; for getting my German birth certificate translated, a bureaucratic requirement of Home Affairs!; for starting to do payments to confirm bookings for the Safari Tour next month; for a Vit D top up on the terrace; for finding baby figs at Woolies in Camps Bay, hearing from Sheryl Ozinsky that the fig season is two weeks late, and that the proper sized ones will only Continue reading →