Tag Archives: absolute pets

Corona Virus, Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 38 of Level 1, 7 November 2021.


Sunday 7 November 2021, Day 38 of Level 1 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a hard-working admin day for my clients, catching up on writing and proofreading; for a cool day at 19C, especially as the sun set, with a chilly wind; for a walk to Woolworths to pay my rates and taxes, and to buy my cat kids Catnip at Absolute Pets, which they love 😻; for a Bakoven walk; for a day of beautiful cloud art 💙; and for being happy, healthy and free. 🙏💙

I watched an iconic German TV show ‘Wetten Dasz’ whilst working, more than three hours long, coming back out of the grave after many years. So past its sell-by date, the presenters too. It featured the male half of ABBA, and much more.  Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 14 of Adjusted Level 2, 13 June 2021.


Sunday 13 June 2021, Day 14 of Adjusted Level 2 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for spending a quiet day at home mostly, writing this morning; for it being colder initially after a few drops of rain; for a good nights sleep; for being able to get a mini mini pedicure done without booking at Sorbet; for a second walk through Bakoven, the sun having set earlier than normal, it seemed; for an uplifting call from my Alex with wonderful news, so happy that he is so happy ❤️❤️❤️❤️; and for being happy, healthy, and free. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 53 of Level 1, 22 April 2021


Thursday 22 April 2021, Day 53 of Level 1 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for a lovely spontaneous day which just evolved; for a misty start to the day but clearing by midday, cooler at 24C; for preparing for my meeting this afternoon; for a quick power walk before my meeting, gaining a wow 500 Discovery points; for a quick shop at Woolies and a cat treat at Absolute Pets; for a quick shop at Dinkel, fetching my weekly roll order, and for a cold meat shop at Hartlief in the Garden’s Centre; for a good meeting with my client at Utopia Cape Town, enjoying a yummy bowl of ice cream before the meeting; for a tea meet with Charlene Shapiro at Utopia, she giving me good advice; for the surprise pop in of George Sax at Utopia, not having seen each other in a while; for doing a photo shoot at Anatoli for the new website, I standing on a chair to photograph from the top; for the surprise reconnection with restaurant owners Rodney Woodley and his partner Robert, who came for dinner at Anatoli, inviting me to join them for dinner, a lively lovely time, chatting about restaurants in the main; for a further Smarties shop at FreshStop; for my cats being happy to see me again when I got home much later than usual; and for being happy, healthy and free. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 28 of Level 1, 28 March 2021


Sunday 28 March, Full Moon, Day 28 of Level 1 Lockdown

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Gratitude for a cooler day, sunny and ending on a humid note; for three delicious sets of sleep since last night, adding up to over 9 hours; for my hip ache of the last three days, with a limp, having disappeared 💙💙💙; for a Camps Bay Community Beach Clean, disappointing in its attendance but meeting lovely new locals, while having my Dilmah on the Beachside of the road, brought to me by the ever kind Emma from The 41 Restaurant, sponsoring beverages and a prize 🙏; for buying cat treats at Absolute Pets; for a refreshing walk to Bakoven and back; for 100 Discovery walking points and 360 Healthy Food points; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →