Tag Archives: Book

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 44 of Level 1, 13 April 2021


Tuesday 13 April 2021, Day 44 of Level 1 đŸ˜·

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for the perseverance in spending almost all day writing the lengthy Review of the new Grand Pavilion, at which Gary Peterson and I ate yesterday; for a quick walk to Pick n Pay to post my SwitchBitch book to TJ Strydom, he writing the Koos Bekker biography; for a quick shop at Woolies, where the Wifi didn’t work, but one of the Manager gave me a Wifi hotspot from his phone 🙏; for a spontaneous small Pedi at Sorbet, having a gap; for early dinner at Anatoli Turkish Restaurant with Katie Friedman, to try its Restaurant Week Menu, running until 2 May; for the surprise in bumping into JĂŒrgen Muess once again at the restaurant (Donoven Hammond Gloy can you believe this?) and for a Facebook Friend Sarie Spryt from the Garden Route dining there too and recognizing me đŸ˜±; for getting home just before Loadshedding started; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 19, 14 April 2020.


Tuesday 14 April 2020, Day 30 of SA Corona Virus, Day 19 of SA Lockdown đŸ˜·

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for another beautiful day, sunny with the slightest breeze; for the fantastic service I receive at Woolworths and Pick n Pay, getting to know each other better in this unusual time; that I am so extremely fortunate to live in Camps Bay, and to be in Lockdown here; to be able to keep fit by walking and dancing to Kfm Dansdag in my home; that I have been blessed with the company of KitKat (aka Charlie); that there was a beautiful 💙 cloud touching Lion’s Head this morning; and that I am fit and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: My Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 5, 31 March 2020.


Tuesday 31 March 2020, Day 16 of SA Corona Virus, Day 5 of Lockdown đŸ˜·

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for another beautiful but slightly cooler and cloudy day; for the friendly locals walking past, chatting across the road, even if we haven’t met each other, such a lovely community spirit; for my new ‘gym’ I ‘created’ in our building; for the steady drop in my Resting Heart Rate; for meeting my step goal today; for being more active this past week than the week before; for the reception of Kfm being back to normal, after two days of interrupted broadcasting due to the damaged undersea internet cable, and its wonderful dancing music 💃, especially the last hour of ‘Dinsdag Dansdag’, with fabulous dancing tunes; for DJ Dino Ben Tovim playing for us from his home; for a long catch-up chat with Alex’s Jamie Hoyland, Alex being so busy at work; for the petrol price coming down by almost R2 a liter at midnight; for the R218 money-back I received from Discovery Vitality; and for happily having spent five days in ‘confinement’ already. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

SwitchBitch Book launch: 25 March at La Parada Constantia Nek!

In celebration of dancing for the past 18 months, I am launching my first book ‘SwitchBitch: My Journey of Transformation from Sour to Sweet!’ next Sunday 25 March at Cape Town’s best loved dance party at La Parada Constantia Nek, with music created by DJ RenĂ© and his team.  Continue reading →