Tag Archives: Eggs Benedict

Corona Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 113 of Level 1, 21 January 2022


Friday 21 January 2022 Day 113 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a more relaxed day, giving myself some me-time; for a beautiful day, with no wind, at 29C; for starting the day with a Breakfast for the committee of the Camps Bay & Clifton Ratepayers Association at Himitsu at the Camps Bay Retreat; for getting work done; for a lovely slow drive to Hout Bay on this beautiful day, meeting the very gentle Renate there, a Pearl restringer, with 6 bracelets to be done (accumulated over Lockdown to date) and a ring to be fixed, a great discovery Continue reading →

Quentin at Oakhurst Restaurant in Hout Bay turns over a new leaf, now serves Breakfast, Lunch, and Early Dinner!


From being a restaurant that mainly served dinners, as well as Sunday Lunch, the latest Level 3 Adjusted regulations have created an opportunity for Quentin at Oakhurst in Hout Bay to open its restaurant for Breakfast, and for Lunch and Early Dinner.

Owner and Executuve Chef Quentin Spickernell has curated two menus, each dish costing under R100. He has also moved the seating outside the restaurant, setting up tables and chairs under a lovely shady oak tree, and under umbrellas on the terrace. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 70 of Level 1, 29 November 2020.


Sunday 29 November 2020, Day 70 of Level 1, Day 249 of Lockdown. 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for a beauty of a day, at 26C; for being spoilt with a fabulous breakfast at The 41 restaurant by Emma Faquharson; for signing the release form for participating in the Carte Blanche program soon, possibly next Sunday, with a coffee visit by producer Michael Duffet; for sorting out a conflict between two of the Community Cleaners, luckily amicably; for spending an hour cleaning up on both sides of the Tidal Pool with Community Cleaners John and Carmen; for time for a Vit D snooze on the terrace, a blessing after a busy week; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →