SA largest circulation publication Huisgenoot sensationally shares my transformation and romance journey!


My journey of transformation, in losing 45kg in weight over a period of a year in 2017, as well as spiritually in walking the Camino last year, with related changes, has been sensationally documented by Huisgenoot writer Pieter Van Zyl.  He wrote the story on the basis of my SwitchBitch Book 1, in which I documented my physical transformation, as well as a telephone interview. I met Van Zyl at the Franschhoek Literary Festival, of which he was an author panelist, last week.

In a provocative headline ‘Giftong (66) verloor 45 kg en haar hart op 27-jarige’ (Poison tongue (66) loses 45 kg and her heart to 27 year old), Van Zyl tells the story about the transformation, physical initially, in meeting Graham Goble at the book launch of Chef Jan-Hendrik Van der Westhuizen of Michelin one Star JAN restaurant in Nice in 2016, and falling in love with him. This fortuitous meeting, after 20 years of not dating, triggered the weight loss, enhanced by falling in love with dancing to DJ René at La Parada Constantia Nek, my weekly ‘gym’. The health benefits of the weight loss are shared too. 

The article also touches on my spiritual evolvement, in walking the Camino in Spain last year, covering 460 km over 21 days, documented in SwitchBitch Book 2. I am following this up with walking the Portuguese Coastal Camino shortly. And letting go of control, by learning to dance the Salsa in Havana and the Tango in Buenos Aires, as part of the same trip, the journey becoming the base of SwitchBitch Book 3. 

Van Zyl also writes with blatant honesty about how hated I have been, and still am, by many of the top chefs of our country, for my honest restaurant reviews, and that is where the ‘giftong’ In his headline comes into the story. 

In dancing, I have met many lovely young men and women, who tell me every week that I am an inspiration to them, wanting to be like me one day. They do not know the previously overweight me, only seeing how much fun I have in dancing at La Parada week after week. And that I seem to have the most stamina of anyone on the dance floor. 

I have flirted with the young men, and seem to be particularly attracted to 27 year olds, with the most flattering consequences, including getting engaged! 

Read the Huisgenoot story online, and find out my relationship status with the 27 year old Ali Hassan Khan, on which Huisgenoot has the scoop:


SwitchBitch Book 1: My Journey of Transformation from Sour to Sweet! 

SwitchBitch Book 2: My Journey of Transformation in walking the Camino, Sole to Soul!

Chris von Ulmenstein, WhaleTales Blog: Tel +27 082 55 11 323 Twitter:@Ulmenstein Facebook: Chris von Ulmenstein Instagram: @Chris_Ulmenstein


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